Architecture/Architecture (International) (RIBA Part 2) Master
As part of the process of becoming a professionally-qualified Architect in the UK, graduates are required to complete a period of supervised ‘practical training’, 12 months of which (commonly referred-to as the ‘Year Out’) is normally undertaken before commencing full-time academic study at Master’s level. This period of practical training constitutes Year 1 of the University of Huddersfield MArch course.
Therefore, students who have not previously completed a satisfactory period of practical training are urged to join the course in Year 1, but may also apply to join Year 2 after a portfolio interview. Students who have already completed a satisfactory period of practical training should apply to join the course in Year 2.
Years 2 and Year 3 of the course are design-centred and intended to enable you to thoughtfully and creatively explore the architectural and urban implications of environmental change and technological developments, as well as architecture's own inherent complexities and transformations. It is also important that students should develop a critical appreciation of the context - both physical and cultural - within which design work is undertaken. All this enables you to establish your own theoretical position, through which you will be expected to develop a high degree of sensitivity to the contexts and transformations within which design work is undertaken in geographical, cultural, social and technical terms.