Assessment and Management of Service-Users with Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Difficulties (Non-cr

This non-credit bearing course provides an innovative, contemporary and holistic-based approach for registered Speech and Language Therapists and Health Care Professionals to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical application of the assessment and management of service users with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.

  • The course has been co-developed by Senior Academics, practising Speech and Language Therapists and Health Care Professionals with extensive clinical experience.
  • The accessible and inclusive content will reflect and represent contemporary issues including clinical decision making across the lifespan, legal/ethical/professional dilemmas, mental capacity, safeguarding and challenging conversations.
  • Service users and/or carers with lived experiences of eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties will form an integral part of authentic teaching and learning opportunities that will facilitate a collaborative and person-centred approach to assessment and management from the outset.
  • Through work-based learning, the integration of theory with practical skills, will facilitate the consolidation of clinical competencies as well as a foundation for continual professional development.