Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

This course provides an excellent introduction to public health research methods and is aimed at anyone wishing to learn about the different types of research used in public health. It provides you with an opportunity to develop the key skills required to understand and critically evaluate quantitative and qualitative research, including data collection and analysis methods within public health.

  • The course will assist you in gaining the competencies required to transfer your new research skills into your practice area.
  • You will undertake systematic retrieval of empirical or theoretical literature and critically review and appraise literature in the specialist subject area.
  • You will critically appraise a range of research methods, techniques and designs relevant to inquiry in public health research.
  • It aims to provide you with an understanding of the epistemological and methodological issues and concepts in public health research


Teaching and assessment

Teaching is delivered through a range of teaching methods including lectures, tutorial supervision and guided independent study. Assessment will involve written course work.


Your module specification/course handbook will provide full details of the assessment criteria applying to your course.


Feedback (usually written) is normally provided on all coursework submissions within three term time weeks – unless the submission was made towards the end of the session in which case feedback would be available on request after the formal publication of results. Feedback on exam performance/final coursework is available on request after the publication of results.