Terrorism, International Crime and Global Security MA

Since the end of the Cold War, there has been a growing awareness of the changing nature of security threats facing individuals, communities and states worldwide. With intensifying economic, political, cultural and military globalisation, there is now a heightened awareness of terrorism and international crime.

  • Guest speakers and field trips2 are an integral part of the course. Previous field trips have included visits to the counter-crime, counter-terrorism and counter-modern slavery organisations.
  • Previous students have been able to work on placements2 with the local police forces, as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and international organisations within Europe, including the anti-mafia organisation AddioPizzo in Sicily, Ethicando in Paris, the UN NGO Women’s Federation for World Peace in Geneva, the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, CISS (Cooperation International South-South) in Italy, and Chatham House in London.