Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision

Course Code:



Course Type:



NFQ Level:


Delivery Modes



1 year


The Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision (30 credits at NFQ Level 9) is a university-accredited programme, delivered on a part-time basis, over one academic year. It comprises of two modules, 'Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches to Supervision' (20 credits) and module 'Professional Supervision Practice' (10 credits).

The Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision is suitable for experienced and accredited counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, mental health, health and social care professionals who are seeking professional and career development. It will also provide a university-accredited training for supervisors who are currently providing supervision but do not have formal supervision training; as well as DCU graduates from the MSc in Psychotherapy and Doctorate in Psychotherapy programmes and counselling/ psychotherapy graduates from other Universities.


The Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision provides a comprehensive, university-accredited training in the dominant theoretical approaches, conceptual models and modes of clinical supervision, taking an integrative, relational and evidence-based approach to supervision practice. It comprises two modules and the indicative content is as follows:

  • Theory bound approaches to clinical supervision - existential-humanistic, psychoanalytic and systemic theory bound approaches to clinical supervision
  • Conceptual Models of clinical supervision - Process orientated conceptual models of supervision, including the Seven-Eyed Model, the Cyclical Model, and Integrated Developmental Model
  • Individual, shared, peer and group modes of supervision
  • National and international qualitative and quantitative supervision research studies
  • Integration and application of theories and models of supervision to clinical supervision practice 
  • Practice in individual, shared, peer and group modes of supervision
  • Consideration of different contexts of supervision – private, team, organisational and e-supervision
  • Development of awareness and skills in developing and maintaining healthy and productive supervisory relationships
  • Reflection and practice in attending to professional issues including contracting, boundary setting, managing roles and responsibilities in supervision, and ending supervisory alliances
  • Development of awareness and skills in attending to ethical and legal issues in supervision, including attention to relevant ethical codes of professional and supervisory practice
  • Development of capacity in working with multicultural competence, attending to diversity and power in supervision
  • Development of skills in relation to feedback, evaluation, report-writing and gate keeping in supervision practice
  • Practical, professional and personal development in clinical supervision.

The method of delivery of the Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision will involve didactic teaching, application of theory to practice, skills development, personal and professional development activities, supervision consultation, support with evidence-based portfolio building and written assignments. Students will also be encouraged to engage in independent study.  Students will have the opportunity to apply supervision knowledge and skills to professional supervision practice with supervisees. The programme involves 100 hours of in-class training delivered on a modular basis between September and April, in line with IACP and IAHIP criteria for supervision training. Students on the Professional Diploma will attend DCU for 15 days over the academic year (9.30am-5.30pm, Fridays and Saturdays).  Students will undertake 50 hours of supervision practice (25 hours with internal supervision practice with peers and 25 external hours of supervision practice) and attend 5 hours of external supervision consultation.

View the current course structure


DCU is a young, innovative, research-intensive and globally engaged university. It seeks out opportunities to transform lives and society through innovation, research and teaching excellence with more than 120 programmes offered over five faculties.  Transforming lives and society is a central mission underpinning the development of clinical supervision training and education.

This course has been designed to meets the needs of counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, mental health, health and social care professionals and supervisors working in the statutory, not-for-profit, educational, community and private sectors who wish to engage in professional and personal development and advance the boundaries of knowledge and practice in the field of  clinical supervision.

The course enables students to become proficient in this field based on critical engagement with central theories, models, modes and contemporary research in clinical supervision. Additionally, the clinical elements of the programme supports students to become expert practitioners which a depth of understanding of contemporary approaches to clinical supervision. Students can avail of opportunities to observe their own and other’s practice in a purpose-designed communication suite in the School of Nursing and Human Sciences, with extensive audio-visual recording and editing facilities. The course provides opportunities for extensive reflective self-awareness and self-appraisal of what it means to be a clinical supervisor in the delivery of safe and ethical practice that can transform the lives of supervisees, service users, vulnerable people and socially disadvantaged groups.


As university-accredited supervisors, you will have a unique and in-depth portfolio of transferable knowledge and competencies to provide high standards of individual, shared, group and peer supervision in the statutory, not-for-profit, community and private sectors. It will also help professionals gain valuable postgraduate clinical/practice education, thereby helping them to progress in their chosen career.



The Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision is designed to provide postgraduate education and training to experienced and accredited counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, mental health, health and social care professionals and supervisors who are seeking professional and career development.

There are two entry routes to this programme:

Applicants seeking direct entry into the Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision must: 

  • Hold a minimum of a relevant undergraduate degree (Level 8 qualification/ H2.2) or equivalent (for example, though not exhaustively, psychotherapy, counselling, psychology, mental health, nursing, community development, social sciences or education);
  • Have a minimum of four-years recent relevant professional experience (for example in psychotherapy, counselling, clinical/counselling psychology, mental health);
  • Successfully undertake a selection interview.


Recognition of Prior Learning Route

  • In line with DCU policy, students who do not have the appropriate level of academic attainment for direct entry to the Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision may gain access via the Recognition of Prior Learning process (RPL). RPL applicants will be required to demonstrate that their learning is comparable in terms of academic level training and assessment. This involves the completion of substantive written RPL documentation and production of evidence of prior learning activities such as accreditations, transcripts and/or references. As a minimum requirement, such applicants will:
  • Have accreditation from a recognised professional body in the fields of psychotherapy, counselling, clinical or counselling psychology, or mental health;
  • Have a minimum of four years’ recent relevant professional experience (for example in psychotherapy, counselling, clinical/counselling psychology, guidance counselling);
  • Successfully undertake a selection interview.

Standard entry procedures for international applicants and for applicants with disabilities will apply. 


Profession Diploma in Clinical Supervision


Part time

EU Status Fee Part-time

€3,927 per annum

Non EU Fee Part time

€7,800 per annum

Next Steps

All Applicants must submit:








  • All Applicants must apply through DCU's Student Application Portal which is available here.  Here's a quick step by step guide if you need help with your application.
  • Academic transcripts for each and every year of study (with English translation where applicable) or RPL candidates must submit evidence of previous training, transcripts and accreditations
  • CV detailing prior academic/ training achievements and practical experience
  • Personal statement (300 words) outlining interest in undertaking the Professional Diploma in clinical supervision
  • Two references, using the required templates on this webpage, one academicone professional
  • If applicable, provide evidence of competence in the English language as per DCU entry requirements.  Please see link

Those direct entry applicants, who successfully complete the paper application stage, will be invited for interview. 


Recognition of Prior Learning


For those applicants who do not directly meet the entry criteria, a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Board assesses applications for equivalent prior learning regarding academic/ training achievements and clinical/ practical experience. This Board comprises members of the Programme Admissions Panel. After an application has been made on the Postgraduate Application System those applicants, applying through the RPL route will be invited to complete a portfolio of evidence that is presented for consideration by the RPL board for entry to the Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision. Those RPL applicants, who successfully complete the paper application stage, will be invited for interview.


Application Deadlines


Closing Date for EU applications is 31st May 2023.


Closing Date for Non EU applications is 31st May 2023.




Queries from EU applicants should be directed to 


Queries from non EU applicants should be directed to


Commencement of Programme


The programme is running in September 2023.