MSc in Health and Social Inclusion

Course Code:


DC746 (PT)

Course Type:



NFQ Level

9 - Please see for further information

Delivery Modes



2 year part-time


The MSc in Health and Social Inclusion (Level 9 NFQ, 90 ECTS) is a two-year, part-time, programme.

The MSc degree in Health and Social Inclusion responds to two of the most urgent issues facing us today: health inequities and social exclusion.  Many people experience health and social marginalisation as a result of factors such as poverty, ethnicity, sex and gender identification/practice, age, addiction, non-normative behaviour, illness and disability.  In contemporary societies, marginalisation and social exclusion have severe and enduring effects on the health and social wellbeing of many individuals and communities; people who are marginalised experience poorer health outcomes and are more likely to encounter social deprivation than non-marginalised populations.

Considering these important health and societal issues, the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health (SNPCH), Dublin City University is offering a unique, interdisciplinary programme to develop experts to tackle health disparities and social exclusion through practice, leadership, and research.

Students will graduate from this programme capable of

  • identifying and analysing the major underlying causes of health inequities and social exclusion
  • designing, implementing and evaluating interventions to improve community health engagement and social wellbeing
  • demonstrating advanced skills in health and social inclusion leadership, research and practice development.

This programme is approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI).


The core curriculum of this programme, delivered by an interdisciplinary group of experts,  gives students the knowledge, skillsets and experiences required to understand and influence health and social inclusion in Ireland and abroad. Topic areas include:

  • Frameworks and strategies for tackling health inequities and social exclusion
  • Leadership, management and innovation in health and social care practice
  • Health promotion for marginalised populations
  • Research methods and programme evaluation

Many of our students are based in healthcare or social support services and wish to develop professionally within their chosen practice area.  Others may want to pursue academic, research or policy development careers. This programme offers students a choice of undertaking a research dissertation or a practice development project, allowing students to tailor the programme for their chosen career path. This two-year, part-time programme is delivered in a flexible, blended-learning format using a mix of face-to-face, online learning activities and learning in the practice context (if appropriate). Our small cohorts make it possible for local and international mentoring from faculty and practice supervisors who have a wide range of expertise in the promotion of health and social inclusion.



The programme’s graduates will enjoy employment in a range of sectors including health and social care settings, health promotion, health-related statutory services, non-governmental organisations, academic sectors, and/or pursue further doctorate-level studies.  



Applicants will typically hold a (NFQ) Level 8 Honours Degree with a H2.1 or equivalent in a relevant discipline, for example: nursing, medicine, psychology, social work, public/community health; health and society; addiction studies, nutrition and dietetics or cognate discipline.


All Applicants must apply through DCU's Student Application Portal which is available here.  Here's a quick step by step guide if you need help with your application.

Alongside the supplementary documentation required candidates must also provide the following as part of their application on the Student Application Portal: 

  • Please upload a CV under the "Supplemental Items & Documents" section, outlining appropriate academic and professional experience.  
  • One reference, from an individual in the candidate’s performance domain or an academic reference. 
  • Provide Academic Transcripts for each and every year of study with English translation if applicable


If relevant, applicants will be asked for evidence of competence in English Language. In line with DCU’s (2019) Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, candidates who do not have the appropriate level of academic attainment for direct entry may apply for access via the Recognition of Prior Learning process (RPL) the policy is available at: 

Prior learning may be formal accredited learning or experiential/uncertified learning which includes the knowledge, skills and personal qualities acquired through life, work experience and study which are not formally attested. Prospective students may apply through the RPL route if they meet one or more of the following entry 5 requirements: 

  • Relevant learning, qualifications and experience within their RPL application 
  • Holding a position or role related to health or social care, health and social inclusion promotion, or a related area 
  • Holding an appointment or professional position in the domain 
  • Professional qualifications in the domain, with clear articulation of intention to progress to work in the domain.  



The MSc in Health and Social Inclusion programme is a one -year full-time or two-year part-time

Full time

EU Status Fee


Non EU Fee


Part time

EU Status Fee Part-time

€4,370 per annum

Non EU Fee Part time
