Drama Studies

At UCD we understand drama as the art of being human. The Drama course is for students who wish to deepen their understanding of the fundamental role theatre and performance play in shaping society and the individual, and who wish to enlarge their critical engagement with a wide variety of performance texts and cultures.


Our mission is to produce graduates capable of fulfilling their highest potential as creative and critical citizens. Develop your creativity and your practical and analytical skills through classes in the history of theatre, in current theoretical methods and approaches to theatre and performance, and in a wide range of generic, historical and national literatures. Investigate methods of making, watching, discussing, and producing theatre, drama and performance through scholarly, creative, and practical “on-your-feet” tasks and assignments.


Seminars, workshops, small groups, theatre visits and practical engagement in-studio are at the core of our teaching pedagogy. We educate our students for life and hope that the experience of studying and making theatre and performance helps them learn who they are, search for a larger purpose for their lives, and leave college as creative and engaged global citizens.