English, Drama & Film
Study English, Drama and Film if you want to become a critical and creative thinker. Refine your critical engagement with a wide variety of texts and cultures, in different genres and media, and across different historical locations. Consider in great depth the role of cultural representation across a diverse range of genres, forms and time periods. Choose this course if you are interested in the relationships between literature, drama and film.
You will study theories, histories, forms and genres of literature, drama, film and media culture from the earliest times to the contemporary moment. There is a wide range of modules available to you from across all three subject areas – English, Drama, and Film – allowing you to find and follow your own interests through the course. In addition, there are dedicated transdisciplinary modules that focus specifically on the intersections between film, literature, drama, and media texts and cultures. You will develop your critical skills via a range of teaching modes (lecture, tutorial, seminar, research supervision), through collaborative and peer learning, and independent, self- directed scholarship.