Science: Earth & Environmental Sciences

Science is a common entry course, leading to a BSc degree in one of 22 degree subjects. All degree subjects are organised into thematic streams. The degree subjects in the Earth & Environmental Sciences stream are as follows:

  • Earth Sciences
  • Environmental Biology


Students interested in Earth & Environmental Sciences and Biological, Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences can study both streams in First Year.


Choosing your Degree Major

In general, students have to decide on one stream to pursue in second year and will study two or more degree subjects from that stream. Limited degree subjects between different streams can be studied in second year. They must be compatible from a content and timetable perspective, such as Mathematics and Physics and a list is not available as it can change each year. At the end of second year, students choose their degree major. Assuming students meet all the academic requirements in first and second year, students are guaranteed a degree subject from the stream they are studying in second year. We do our best to ensure that students go on to study their top degree subject choice. As we offer plenty of degree subjects in each stream, students have a number of similar degree subjects to choose from as their degree major.