MLitt Sociology

The School welcomes applications from prospective Research Masters students who wish to undertake research in sociology. We are very pleased to consider applications in any area of sociology in which we can provide appropriate supervision.


The School has an exciting and diverse MLitt programme which has been extensively revised in recent years. There are new taught components that provide greater structure and professional training, but the emphasis remains on students completing a major, independent piece of research that makes a significant contribution to sociological knowledge.


The MLitt in Sociology is awarded following the completion of 180 credits, comprising 150 credit for the thesis and a further 30 credits of taught modules. This is normally a 2 year programme.


You will find fuller information below on  Structured MLitt programme and on School’s Application Procedures. Funding opportunities are available through scholarships and tutoring and you will find information on these below.


In advance of making your application you should read through the Application Procedures, and make contact with a member of staff whose area of research you think most closely relates to your area of research to discuss your proposal.