MSc Cognitive Science

Students study topics in a very wide variety of professional disciplines. The breadth of topics covered is challenging, but encourages students to think beyond the narrow confines of a single speciality. The research project is structured to allow greater depth in the pursuit of a single topic, and results in professionally meaningful deliverables. Lecturers are highly qualified, research active cognitive scientists with a range of specialities.

  • Unique taught offering providing advanced material in psychology, philosophy of mind, computational modeling, neuropsychology, and more
  • Ideal preparation for future PhD studies tackling interdisciplinary topics
  • Includes a substantial research project, conducted largely during the Summer months


(i) Purpose: This programme assumes the incoming student has a particular specialisation in one or more fields.  To this initial specialisation, the programme seeks to add interdisciplinary breadth, providing insights and concepts from many different fields. This sensitivity to interdisciplinary concerns is suitable as preparation for critical engagement with research at a postgraduate level.  It is thus intended to be an ideal preparation for those who wish to progress to PhD studies or to a career in research.  It will also suit those who harbour a personal interest in critical approaches to human experience and behaviour. It is not a vocational programme, in that it is not tailored for any specific employment target. 

(ii) Education and subject description, professional values: We encourage students to adopt rich, pluralist views of the topics covered, which combine insights and expertise from several disciplines, including philosophy, computer science, psychology and more.

(iii) Learning outcomes: Taught modules cover a broad range of disciplines, which will challenge and encourage students to develop critical skills that transcend discipline boundaries.

(iv) Approaches to teaching learning and assessment: Students will thus encounter many different ways of understanding and investigating focussed topics, and will be encouraged to learn to  synthesise and integrate insights form disparate fields.  Because of the breadth of subject matter, students will encounter evaluation in many forms, including continuous assessment by exercises, essays, reports, portfolio assembly, and end of module examination.