Civil Engineering

What do subway systems, a working water faucet, rehabilitated mining landscapes, and the Gardiner Expressway have in common? All of them depend on civil engineers for their construction and functioning. Make a lasting contribution to society by understanding and shaping the built environment sustainably.

York’s graduate program in Civil Engineering, housed in an emerging department with innovators committed to sustainable, resilient infrastructure, offers the perfect place to take on the challenges of today with solutions for tomorrow.

Choose Your Degree

The Graduate Program in Civil Engineering offers thesis-based MASc and PhD degrees with areas of specialization in one or more of the following sub-disciplines: Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, GeoEnvironmental and Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, and Transportation Engineering.

In the face of rapid global population growth, undeniable shifts in climactic patterns and the consequences of these changes, research and teaching in the Civil Engineering graduate program focus on sustainable development through the use of recycled and renewable construction materials, landscape rehabilitation and the use of marginal-quality land such as closed municipal landfills and degrading permafrost. The department also emphasizes the design of civil infrastructure capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions, as well as the replacement or appropriate retrofitting of existing structures.

What Can I Do with a Graduate Degree in Civil Engineering?

Given the breadth of knowledge and skills provided in a Civil Engineering program, graduates will find fulfilling and challenging professional opportunities in a host of diverse areas. These may include:

  • Construction
  • Consulting
  • Water systems
  • Environmental technology and consulting
  • Transport infrastructure
  • Utilities
  • Marketing
  • Education
  • Patent law

According to Forbes, Civil Engineering ranks among the top ten graduate degrees for job security and earning power.

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