BA (Hons) Financial Services

The programme is designed to supply you with the knowledge and skillset relevant to the operation of modern financial services organisations.


We developed this programme to meet the financial sector’s increasing demand for skilled graduates. The course provides students with up-to-date and relevant learning experiences, whilst equally developing the skills necessary to excel in the modern workforce.


There is flexibility within the programme structure, allowing students to follow individual specialisms. In addition, 6-month paid work experience opportunities within the financial services sector are available to students in the second trimester of Year 3.


Students from the course typically begin their career within the financial services sector shortly after graduating or use their qualification to progress into postgraduate studies.


Some of our graduates choose the entrepreneurial route, and for them, the Bright Red Triangle – the university’s start-up incubator with certified business advisors and a co-working space in heart of Edinburgh – is available to take advantage of.