Business Administration with Accounting

Business Administration with Accounting

The objective of the Dillard College of Business Administration master’s degree in business administration is to qualify individuals for professional positions of challenge in today’s rapidly changing world of business. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is valuable, especially for those individuals who want the opportunity to increase their salary, advance their career, and meet professionals and colleagues with whom they can develop a rapport. The MBA degree is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary for achieving their goals and objectives and to prepare graduates for careers in the global business market.

NOTE: The accounting concentration is limited to students with an undergraduate degree in accounting.

• Master of Business Administration - 33 Hours

• Accounting

Application Requirements
Application requirements must be submitted to the Office of Admissions.
• Application to McAda Graduate School
• $50 Application Fee
• Official Transcripts (from all institutions attended other than MSU)
• Current Résumé

Delivery Methods
• Face to Face
• Hybrid

Application Instructions: How to Apply
Program Website: Welcome to the MBA Program
Graduate Coordinator: Dr. Pablo Garcia-Fuentes