BA (Hons) 3D Games Art & Design

You dream of being a key player in the video game industry. You may want to work for companies like Epic Games, Nintendo or Sony. Perhaps you want to work on triple A games like Fortnite, Sea of Thieves and Assassin’s Creed, just like some of our graduates? You may not be sure yet where you want to end up, but one thing’s for certain. You love gaming. You crave adventure. Gaming allows you to escape to another realm. It’s a place where you can be different. Where you can connect with people just like you. Nothing else gives you the same rush. Your perspective of gaming has evolved beyond that of a user. Now you’re analysing your experience. You’re curiously creative and you have stories to tell. When you daydream it’s about scenarios, characters and environments that your fans will enjoy. Your sketch pad is full of playable worlds that you’ve created. Advancements in technology make this a growing industry with game developers in high demand. Now it’s your turn. The next level is within your grasp.