PgCert Outdoor Environmental Education

Why choose Herts?

  • Excellent reputation: Ranked 1st as best university provider for Teacher Training in the UK (NSS, 2020-21).
  • Employment prospects: There is a significant call from the government, national charities, conservation trusts and schools for outdoor environmental education. It is a growing sector in high demand. We offer opportunities to gain governing body and nationally recognised qualifications in addition to your postgraduate degree, making you highly employable.
  • Industry connections: Our course places a strong emphasis on networking with experts and professionals in the sector. From our seminar series to real-world briefs, you’ll benefit from expert feedback and experience throughout your studies.


About the course

The climate emergency and global pandemic have highlighted the importance of spending time in natural environments. Our intrinsic link to the world around us is unbreakable. It demands care, respect and creative solutions. To keep ourselves safe, we have seen all aspects of life, from social, recreation, education, transportation and even employment, benefit from taking a nature-centred approach. Educators have moved away from stationary classrooms and utilised outdoor education more and more. There is a growing need to learn in and from our local environment. There is an urgent need to care for it. The environmental education sector is flourishing.


This course will help you gain a solid foundation to nurture change in educational practices in a multitude of sectors. We’ll teach you underlying theories and how to apply them to practice. We’ll analyse sustainable experiential education theory through practical fieldwork and consider now we can connect to nature and place. Together, we’ll explore equality of access to environmental education. Every step of the way, we’ll guide you to become a reflexive and inclusive educator. To foster environments and activities where everyone can join in. To learn, you must experience. To teach, you must first inspire. What greater inspiration is there than the natural world?