BA (Hons) History

Why study BA (Hons) History? Because it is socially relevant and personally enriching. Studying the past will open up an exciting future for you.


As a history undergraduate, you will learn a lot about previous eras, but you will also discover much about how today’s world has been shaped by the past. And you will reflect on who gets to make history. No longer do historians just study the ‘great men’ of the past; now you will consider how all manner of people, including the powerless and the marginalized, have played crucial roles in making things happen.


This course will offer you exciting new perspectives on the past. You will examine history from the close of the European Middle Ages through to the present day. And you’ll go on a global journey that takes in themes in the history of Europe, America, the British Empire and beyond. 


Asking questions is at the heart of a history degree. What was it like to live in a society that believed in magic and witchcraft? What was it like to be a Victorian slum dweller? A Comanche Indian in the 1840s? A suffragette? Why did wars start? Why do societies and cultures change over time? To answer such historical questions, you need a range of high-level intellectual skills. 


The history team at the University of South Wales will help you develop those skills. You will become an expert researcher, a thoughtful reader, a critical thinker and a compelling communicator. You will become an independent learner, able to set your own agenda, manage your time and work effectively on your own and with other students.


The skills you will develop as a history student will make you highly sought-after in the workplace.