Department of Curriculum and Instruction

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Elementary Education 

Students successfully completing the program and all requirements outlined below will receive a baccalaureate degree and be eligible for Alabama “Class B” professional teaching certificates in elementary education (grades K-6).

Professional preparation includes courses in humanistic and behavioral studies, elementary education, curriculum and teaching, evaluation of teaching and learning, extensive pre-internship field experiences in K-6 settings, and an internship. Students must work closely with their faculty advisor for appropriate selection of courses in each area of general and professional studies.

Major in Elementary Education

Requirements Hours
Core Curriculum Requirements 1 41

EH 101

English Composition I 2  

EH 102

English Composition II 2  

CMST 101

Public Speaking 3  

Select Biology for one Core Area III 4


PY 101

Introduction to Psychology 5  
Additional Elementary Education Requirements  
MA 313 Patterns, Functions and Algebraic Reasoning 3
Select 1 Additional Core Lab Science 6 4
Select two additional math courses at 100-level or higher (MA 314 and MA 316 preferred) 6
Professional Studies  
CHHS 200 Quality of Life 2
EDU 200 Education as a Profession 3
ECY 300 Survey of Special Education 3
EDF 362 Foundations of Education I: Social, Historical, Philosophical 3
EPR 363 Foundations of Education II: Psychological 3
Internship 7 10

EEC 490

Internship in P-3/3-6  

EEC 491

Internship Seminar in P-6 Education  
Teaching Field  
EEC 300 Child Development/Family Relationships 3
EEC 301 Introduction to P-6 Education 3
KIN 301 Teaching Health Education and Physical Education in Elementary Schools 3
EEC 302 Expressive Arts (P-6) 1
EEC 405 Children's Literature in Early Childhood and Elementary Education 3
EPR 410 Measurement and Evaluation in Education 3
EEC 415 Learning Environments through Positive Behavior Support 3
These courses require TEP admission before they can be taken:  
EDR 440 Developmental Reading I 3
EEC 402 Primary Math Methods 3
EEC 406 Language Arts in Early Childhood and Elementary Education 3
EEC 412 Math in Early Childhood and Elementary Education 3
EEC 413 Science in Early Childhood and Elementary Education 3
EEC 414 Social Studies in Early Childhood and Elementary Education 3
EEC 440 Workshop in Education: Strategies for English Learners 3
EDR 443 Developmental Reading II 3
Fieldwork in Education 8 4-8

EEC 494

Field Work in Early Childhood and Elementary Education  
Total Hours 125-129

A minimum of 120 hours are required for graduation.  Students may need to take general electives to reach the credit hour requirement.  Elective hours may vary based on course selection.


 Core Curriculum requirements


 Fulfills a Core Area I: Composition requirement.


 Fulfills Core Area II: Humanities requirement.


 Fulfills Core Area III: Natural Science requirement.


 Fulfills a Core Area IV: Social Behavioral Science requirement.


 May NOT be used to fulfill a Core Area III: Natural Science, but is required in addition to the core.  Select from AST 101/AST 111AST 102/AST 112AST 103/AST 113AST 105/AST 115BY 101/BY 102BY 111/BY 112BY 123BY 124CH 105/CH 106 CH 107CH 108CH 115/CH 116CH 117/CH 118ENV 108/ENV 109ES 101/ES 102ES 103/ES 104PH 201PH 202PH 221PH 222PHS 101.


 Internship courses much be taken AFTER admission to TEP


 Each semester a student enrolls in a pedagogy course (EDR 440EDR 443EEC 402EEC 406EEC 412EEC 413EEC 414EEC 440) he or she must also enroll for two hours of EEC 494 Fieldwork in Education for a maximum of 8 hours.