MAL 5301 (3-3-0) Introduction to Leadership
(LED 4301)
This course is designed to give students a foundational understanding of key leadership principles and theories. Students will study concepts such as servant leadership, transformational leadership, and ethics in leadership, among many other important topics. These principles will serve as a base of knowledge for future studies about leadership. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.
MAL 5302 (3-3-0) Vision-Casting and Leading Change
(LED 4302)
This course is designed to acquaint students with the dynamics of organizational change and the types of challenges that face leaders who attempt to cast a vision and subsequently institute change. Students will be challenged not only to assess and evaluate the factors that lead to positive vision-casting/change initiatives but learn to develop the personal skills and mastery necessary to exercise leadership effectively in the midst of change. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.
MAL 5304 (3-3-0) Crisis Leadership
(LED 4306)
This course is designed to give students a broad understanding of how to lead well in times of crisis. Students will learn how to understand crises from a variety of angles, plan for crisis situations, assess information, build a crisis response team, make key decisions, and communicate well during the crisis.
Requisites: None
Offered: Summer, Periodically.
MAL 5308 (3-3-0) Great Leaders in History
(LED 4308)
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of different types of leadership throughout history. Students will be challenged to not only learn about some of the most famous leaders in history, but also assess the strengths and weaknesses of each of those leaders in his/her respective context. A key component of the course will be to help students learn to more fully assess leadership in multiple arenas and synthesize their own conception of leadership. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.
MAL 5309 (3-3-0) Leadership Across Boundaries: Travel Study
(LED 4309)
This course offers an in-depth investigation on the topic of leadership and power across boundaries specifically through travel study. Students will engage with other students and faculty in hands-on learning that enriches what they are taught in the classroom. This course is designed as an intensive travel experience. This 5000- level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course. This travel course may be repeated for credit when the destination and/or content of the travel course changes. If a grade for this particular travel course must be changed, the student must repeat the course with the same destination and content.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Periodically.
MAL 5310 (3-3-0) Special Topics in Leadership
(LED 4310)
This course will offer students an opportunity to explore a cross-section of subjects focused on enhancing leadership skills across multiple disciplines. The exploration of basic leadership concepts and application will offer students a hands-on approach to learning. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for special topics courses may only be accomplished under special topics courses with the same topic and content. This 5000- level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Periodically.
MAL 6301 (3-3-0) Christian Worldview of Leadership
This course is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of the models of leadership presented in the Bible and how they should relate to the worldview of contemporary Christian leaders. Students will explore how Christian leadership has a unique focus that is distinctive from other secular models of leadership and will analyze how Christians can apply the leadership principles of the Bible in their leadership contexts. This course is meant to provide students with a framework for looking at leadership from a distinctively Christian perspective.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.
MAL 6303 (3-3-0) Leadership in Conflict and Adversity
Because leadership necessarily involves dealing with conflict and adversity, this course is designed to help students understand how to lead in the midst of conflict, learn and grow from adversity, and develop the skills and outlook necessary to become a highly resilient leader. Students will lead in the midst of conflict and/or overcome great adversity.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.
MAL 6304 (3-3-0) Leadership Communication
This course is designed to help students understand the important role of communication in leadership. Students will gain an understanding of key communication in theories that directly impact leadership, focusing on practical application. The course will cover interpersonal, organization, and intercultural communication, aiding students in understanding how to understand their audience in order to increase communication effectiveness. Special attention will be given to exploring the connection between biblical servant leadership and communication.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Periodically.
MAL 6305 (3-3-0) Relational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
The Relational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence course will provide students with a foundational knowledge of how relationships affect leadership. Students will study the core principles of emotional intelligence and learn to integrate these concepts into their relationships as leaders. Through assessing leadership from a relationship perspective, students will gain insights into how to interact more effectively in their business and personal relationships, as well as lead others to grow in their relational competence.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Summer, Online.
MAL 6306 (3-3-0) Cross-Cultural and Global Leadership
(MAIS 6306)
In this course, students will explore the nuances of leading in cross-cultural and global contexts. Students will develop an understanding of the opportunities and challenges that leading in diverse cultural environments brings and will study the skills and factors necessary to lead effectively in such environments. The critical goal of the course is to prepare students to adapt their leadership styles to be able to lead in these types of complex contexts with people from various cultures.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MAL 6307 (3-3-0) Mentored Leadership Internship (S-L)
This course is designed to allow students to have a practical learning experience by pairing the student with an appropriate mentor in a leadership position. The course will be designed to allow students to see leadership in practice and gain valuable insights about how the theoretical models of leadership play out in real-world scenarios. Students will be challenged to synthesize the theories taught in the program with practical leadership implications learned by studying the leadership of their own mentor. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Summer.
MAL 6311 (3-3-0) Readings in Leadership
This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of selected topics in leadership studies. The student and professor will work collaboratively to create a readings plan that will give the student the opportunity to read deeply in one area of study, while also tying these readings back to the overall body of literature covered in the MA in Leadership program.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Periodically.
MAL 6312 (3-3-0) Advanced Topics in Historical Leadership
This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the influence, communication styles, and impact of selected leaders in history. Students will read primary source material, biographies, and speeches by the chosen leaders, and will make critical assessments about those leaders’ strengths and weakness. A key component of the course will be to help students learn to more fully assess leadership in multiple arenas and synthesize their own conception of leadership.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Periodically.