

KINE 5301 (3-3-0) Exercise Physiology

The course is to provide a focused and applied approach in exercise physiology and sport/fitness training, conditioning, and sport medicine. The course will provide an in-depth review of the scientific and physiological components of a training program. The primary focus will be on training factors and how various conditions and situations affect exercise performance. 

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

KINE 5302 (3-3-0) Organization and Administration of Kinesiology and Sport

Specific problems and new developments in the administration of sport and physical education programs, including business procedures, equipment, facilities, conduct of athletic events, school law and liability, staff, and public relations.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring, Winter.

KINE 5303 (3-3-0) Mechanical Analysis of Motor Skills

This course will provide a focused and applied approach to the mechanical analysis of motor skills. The primary focus will be concentrated on the terminology and applied principles of biomechanics related to sport techniques and training principles. This course will also provide an in-depth study of the physical body in motion.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

KINE 5304 (3-3-0) Sport Nutrition

This course will present the essential components of nutrition as they specifically relate to improvements in human performance, especially as it involves the influence of exercise and sport. Students will become adept in assessing body composition using an assortment of scientific instruments. The course will familiarize students with the concept of energy balance and dietary analysis as it relates to developing appropriate body compositions.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

KINE 5311 (3-3-0) Concepts of Personal Training

This course is designed to allow students to become a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council on Exercise. Students will learn to conduct fitness assessments and create effective exercise prescriptions to allow clients to attain the health benefits of physical activity. Students will also learn how to support and motivate clients. The student must also complete the American Council on Exercise Examination. Additional Fee for the Study Material, Practice Examination, and the Examination.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Summer.

KINE 5321 (3-3-0) Internship

This course provides students with a practical experience in a kinesiology/sport-related area of the student’s choosing in a school, college or university, business, or industry. Specific assignment is based on student need and interest. The course requires a report with reflections, assignments, and responsibilities as well as an immediate supervisor’s evaluation.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

KINE 6010 (0-0-0) Defense of Degree

Because of Dallas Baptist University’s quest for meaningful assessment of graduate candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs. The defense of degree is a capstone collection of signature assessments and artifacts with reflections that demonstrate a candidate’s personal growth, development, and acquisition of knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Degree-seeking students in the College of Education will be expected to present their Defense of Degree to the Educator Preparation Board for assessment as evidence of program success during their final semester. Candidates are to follow the Defense of Degree guidelines provided by the College of Education. Only for Kinesiology students seeking Teacher Certification.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

KINE 6020 (0-0-0) Culminating Experience

This course requires the student to synthesize and integrate knowledge acquired in their coursework and apply it in an experience that approximates an aspect they will encounter as a professional in the field of Kinesiology. The Culminating Experience will demonstrate the student’s mastery of researching an approved topic and their proficiency in utilizing technology and oral presentation skills in delivering the topic to the Kinesiology Preparation Board. The student will also present to the board a self-evaluation of their strengths and improvement needs as well as their short-term and long-term career goals. The student will also demonstrate to the board that they have developed an understanding of service-learning and will reflect on how their experience enhanced their learning and fostered their civic responsibility. The student must register for KINE 6020 in the semester in which they wish to graduate.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

KINE 6305 (3-3-0) Measurement, Evaluation, and Research in Kinesiology

A course designed to provide applicable knowledge of skill tests and written tests related to kinesiology, sport, and exercise training. The course will also focus on procedures for administering tests and techniques for analyzing data and evaluating results. Appropriate statistical measures and research methods will be included as well as related computer-assisted technology.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

KINE 6306 (3-3-0) Theories in Coaching

This course is to discuss current trends and applied theories for the coach in today’s society related to ethics, duties, training, motivation, organizational responsibilities, and public relations. A study of the historical and philosophical foundations of coaching, as well as characteristics of the God-called coach, will be included.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Periodically.

KINE 6307 (3-3-0) Fitness Management

This course will provide an in-depth discussion of the fundamental components of fitness. Students will concentrate on both the health-related components (cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, and flexibility) and the skill-related components of fitness (agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time and speed). Students will be made aware of various fitness certification programs and to the concepts of personal training. Students will also be introduced to facility design.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Summer.

KINE 6308 (3-3-0) Sociology of Sport

This course will examine the multifaceted roles of sport and physical activity in American society from a critical perspective. Historical and contemporary sport issues related to social and cultural phenomenon, different cultures in sport, sport for special populations, religion and sport, politics and sport, deviance in sport, and the importance of lifetime sport and fitness will be emphasized to allow students to consider future developments in sport in American life.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

KINE 6310 (3-3-0) Current Trends and Issues in Kinesiology and Sport (S-L)

This course involves analysis of selected current issues or problems related to kinesiology and sport. The course is designed around controversial and curiosity-arousing issues for discussion and analyzing. The emphasis is on kinesiology and sport-related actions as they influence and are influenced by social and cultural contexts. It is organized to facilitate the use of research, theory, and everyday experiences. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Winter, Summer.

KINE 6326 (3-3-0) Psychology of Sport and Performance

Students will investigate psychological and social-psychological theories and current research pertaining to the study of sport and physical activity. Topics covered will include personality, anxiety, arousal, causal attribution, motivation, attention, self-confidence, and exercise psychology. Students will also develop an array of mental training techniques that have been used successfully by athletes and coaches to improve sport performance. How to use each technique as an athlete and teach it as a coach will be the primary objectives. This course takes an educational approach toward performance enhancement, not a clinical one. The mental training techniques include imagery, arousal regulation, somatic and cognitive stress management, concentration and attention control, positive self-talk, and goal setting.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

KINE 6345 (3-3-0) Applied Pedagogy in Kinesiology

Students will examine current trends and issues in K-12 physical education curriculum development and will study instructional methods in physical education with developmentally appropriate teaching and management techniques for elementary, middle, and secondary physical education. The course content includes examples of program innovations, as well as current international, nation (e.g., national standards), and state (e.g., TEKS in Texas) curriculum initiatives.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.