Education Ministry Leadership

Education Ministry Leadership

MAEML 5310 (3-3-0) Small Group Ministry Design and Practice

(CHST 4310)

This course is designed to provide a thorough introduction to small group ministry design and practice. The design and practice of a small group ministry includes the biblical, historical, sociological, and organizational foundations of small group ministry. The various approaches to group content, function of roles and support structures, and best practices for assimilation, multiplication, evaluation and assessment employed in the local church are addressed in the context of practical implementation strategies. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring.


MAEML 5313 (3-3-0) Ministry with Students

(CHST 4307; MALA 5362)

This is a survey class designed to help students learn how to develop a quality ministry for junior and senior high school students. In addition, this course will also give special attention to ministry with college students. The course will include a review of the characteristics for the age group. Students will study the practical skills needed for providing age-appropriate learning experiences and activities for junior high, high school, and college students in the church and the community. The course will include a study of the philosophy, audience, and principles of effective student ministry (youth and collegiate) in the local church. Special attention will be given to the role and work of the church youth minister and his/her work with students (college and youth) and parents, and in developing lay leaders for ministry with students. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.


MAEML 6301 (3-3-0) Christian Education in the Local Church

This course provides an overview of the field of Christian education as a means for making disciples through the local church: including a theological and philosophical foundation, basic concepts and models, organization, and methods. Consideration will be given to current church practices and to developing a criterion for building a Great Commission-driven teaching ministry for all age groups in the local church.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring.


MAEML 6302 (3-3-0) Biblical Strategies for Discipleship

This course examines the Scriptures, history, and current church practice to identify intentional strategies for making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ. Emphasis will be focused on defining essential terms, relating the practices of the church to disciple-making functions, and exploring the varying environments and relationships through which disciples are matured most effectively.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Summer.


MAEML 6304 (3-3-0) Principles for Bible Teaching

This course explores the teaching/learning process in the context of biblical instruction, with an emphasis on small group environments, and for the purpose of developing effective teachers who will, in turn, lead disciples to greater knowledge of and obedience to the Word of God. Topics include models and methods of study and instruction, the learning process, curricular development and design, and lesson planning and presentation.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Summer.


MAEML 6307 (3-3-0) Business and Legal Administration for Ministry

This course reviews the philosophy and principles of church and business administration in relationship to ministry objectives. Areas considered in the study are: functional areas of church administration, preparing of a constitution and by-laws, church organization, planning, church staff development, staff meetings, office management, finances, facilities, food services, insurance, and legal issues related to personnel, taxes, and the security of children and others involved in church ministry.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall.


MAEML 6308 (3-3-0) Disciple-Making through Evangelism and Missions

This course will focus on the role of evangelism, missions, and growth in the education ministry of the church. It will include a study of church growth principles and their application in education ministry. The place of missions and mission activity development will be studied with special emphasis upon local community missions. Students will develop their personal testimony, learn to present the plan of salvation, and learn to teach lay leaders and members to witness. Some attention will be given to contemporary and innovative church growth methodologies.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring.


MAEML 6309 (3-3-0) Equipping Disciples for Ministry (S-L)

This course will give strong focus to developing a theology of service for church members and leaders that includes polity and the way a church organizes for its work. Areas covered include discovering leaders through their spiritual gifts assessment, establishing a climate for service, effective ways for enlisting people to serve, providing training for service, evaluating service, and providing support for those who serve. This course includes a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall.


MAEML 6320 (3-3-0) The Collegiate Campus Minister

The course is an introduction to campus life and student ministry. Attention will be given to the background, philosophy, objectives, and program design. The work and skills of the collegiate minister as well as the minister's relationships, responsibilities, and functions will be examined in detail. The student will simulate the role of director in such areas as programming, administration, and personal ministries.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring.


MAEML 6351 (3-3-0) Student Cultural Issues

A study of the social problems of junior and senior high school students, as well as college students in America within their cultural context. The world of adolescence will be examined giving special attention to school, media, friendships, family, community and church, and other relevant social issues. In addition, the world of collegiate students will also be explored. Ministry implications and current trends will also be discussed.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall.


MAEML 6353 (3-3-0) Adolescent Development

A study will be made of the developmental process of adolescence. Special attention will be given to physical, cognitive, social, emotional, spiritual, sexual, and personality development during the teenage years. The purpose of this course is to provide students with insights to creatively address contemporary issues related to teenagers in church ministry and related vocations. The course will also address basic adolescent issues and equip students with basic skills to minister to youth who are struggling with common adolescent developmental issues and various crisis situations.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring.


MAEML 6354 (3-3-0) Collegiate Ministry Strategies

This is a survey class designed to help students learn how to develop a strategic ministry to collegians. This course will include a review of the characteristics and developmental aspects of college students. Students will study the practical skills needed for providing age-appropriate learning experiences and activities for college students in the church and community. The course will also include a study of the philosophy, audience, and principles of effective collegiate ministry in the local church and through campus ministries. Special attention will be given to the role and work of the college minister and his/her work in enlisting and developing lay leaders for ministry with college students. It will also explore ways college students can be integrated into the overall ministry of the local church.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Summer.