Education – Reading

Education – Reading

EDUC 6012 (0-0-0) Defense of Degree

Because of Dallas Baptist University’s quest for meaningful assessment of graduate candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs. The defense of degree is a capstone collection of signature assessments and artifacts with reflections that demonstrate a candidate’s personal growth, development, and acquisition of knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

Degree-seeking students in the College of Education will be expected to present their Defense of Degree to the Educator Preparation Board for assessment as evidence of program success during their final semester. Candidates are to follow the Defense of Degree guidelines provided by the College of Education.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

READ 5010 (0-3-0) English, Language Arts, and Reading 4-8 Seminar

(READ 4010)

This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the Educational Testing Service. Information will also be gleaned from the state publication Proficiencies for Teachers in Learner-Centered Schools and other appropriate sources. Students must score a minimum of 85% on the TExES post-test in order to be authorized by the College of Education to take the TExES examination. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: Educator Preparation Program Admission.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

READ 5011 (0-0-0) Reading Specialist Seminar

This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). Information will also be gleaned from the Reading Specialists state publication appropriate sources. Students must score a minimum of 85% on the DBU TExES practice test in order to pass the course and be authorized by the College of Education to take the TExES examination.

Requisites: READ 5331 or ESLS 5306; READ 5334; READ 6301, READ 6330, READ 6335; and one course from the following: READ 5333 (S-L), ENGL 5302. The candidate may be approved to take the seminar while completing the last semester of coursework.

Offered:  Periodically.

READ 5013 (0-0-0) Science of Teaching Reading Seminar

(READ 4013)

This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on the Science of Teaching Reading. Students must score a minimum of 85% on the TExES pretest at the end of the course in order for the College of Education to approve the student to take the state examination. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: READ 5313 Science of Teaching Reading.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

READ 5302 (3-3-0) Scaffolding Literacy Instruction

(READ 4302)

This is a three-hour course for teacher candidates seeking EC-6 teacher certification. This is a pedagogy course designed to provide teacher candidates instruction in Guided Reading for elementary students. Students will explore the understanding of, the elements of, strategies for, and the value of a well-developed Guided Reading program. The coursework will provide opportunity for the teacher candidate to plan guided reading lessons and to plan for guided reading groups in an elementary classroom. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

READ 5312 (3-3-0) Reading Specialist Practicum (S-L)

This practicum is designed to provide field experiences as a Reading Specialist in K-12 school settings. The intern is assigned to an appropriate site supervisor in an approved elementary or secondary school. The field experience is under the supervision of a university professor and requires monthly seminar meetings at the university. The intern is given experience in developing and applying proficiencies in the Reading Specialist domains of instruction and assessment of the components of literacy with appropriate resources and procedures, meeting the needs of individual students, and professional knowledge and leadership in this field. Specific activities and assignments ensure that the intern obtains practical experience toward developing these proficiencies, determined collaboratively by the student, the university professor, and the site supervisor. The practicum application must be submitted one semester prior to the semester of enrollment. This course contains a field-based service-learning component. A candidate must earn a final grade of B (3.0, minimum) in the practicum/internship course in order to receive credit. If not, the course will need to be repeated.

Requisites: READ 6330, READ 6301, READ 6334, READ 5334, READ 5331 OR ESLS 5306. Completion of all program requirements before admission to internship is required.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

READ 5313 (3-3-0) Science of Teaching Reading

(READ 4313)

The Science of Teaching Reading is a three-hour course for teacher candidates seeking EC-6 and 4-8 ELAR certification. The candidates will be demonstrating skill in all areas of the science of teaching reading (assessment, oral language, phonics, comprehension, print concepts, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, literary and informational texts).  This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: EDUC 5315 Introduction to Designing Instruction.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

READ 5314 (3-3-0) Reading Curriculum Instruction Assessment

Reading Curriculum Instruction Assessment investigates scientific-based diagnostic and prescriptive techniques, utilizing best practices, to identify specific strategies for enhancing the acquisition of reading skills. The course is designed to upgrade teacher's skills in using formal and informal reading assessment to plan and deliver instruction to meet individual student needs including second language learners and those with reading disabilities. Knowledge gained will help guide the reading specialist in developing individualized reading intervention plans through the lens of RtI (Response to Intervention).

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

READ 5315 (3-3-0) Reading Strategies for the Emergent Learner EC-6

Reading Strategies for the Emergent Learner EC-6 focuses on exploring theories and practices creating optimal instructional opportunities in the classroom to help emergent readers develop confidence and independent reading comprehension strategies with a variety of genres.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

READ 5316 (3-3-0) Reading Strategies for the Advanced Learner (7-12)

Reading Strategies for the Advanced Learner 7-12 focuses on providing best learning environments for comprehension and interpretation of texts across genres and developing student strategies for independent engagement with these texts.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

READ 5321 (3-3-0) Linguistics for Reading and ESL

(EDBE 5321; ESLS 5321)

This course explores the linguistic basis for teaching reading and ESL (English as a second language). Students will consider the implications of the basic concepts from phonology, orthography, morphology, and syntax for teaching reading and for teaching English language learners.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Spring.

READ 5322 (3-3-0) Connecting Reading and Writing Workshop Practicum I (S-L)

Connecting Reading and Writing Workshop Practicum course integrates reading and writing workshop as a means of developing a comprehensive literacy approach for EC-12 students. This course will also fulfill 80 hours of the 160-hour practicum experience required for the Reading Specialist Certification. The intern is assigned to an appropriate site supervisor in an approved elementary or secondary school and under the supervision of a university professor. Candidates will explore the reciprocal qualities of reading and writing instruction. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: To be completed the semester prior to READ 5323.

Offered:  Fall, Spring, Online.

READ 5323 (3-3-0) Reading Specialist Practicum II (S-L)

The Reading Specialist Practicum II program is designed to allow students to engage in practical, on-the-job, supervised, and evaluated field experiences that provide the foundation for success in skills associated with reading planning, instructional leadership, professional development, and specialized content training. Students will develop conceptual and professional skills through their experiences at a field site as they integrate theory and practice through a field-based training approach with a practicing reading specialist leader. Specific activities and assignments will be determined collaboratively by the student, the school supervisor, and the University supervisor to ensure that the intern obtains practical experience consistent with the expectations of a reading specialist. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: READ 5322.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

READ 5331 (3-3-0) Reading in the Content Area

(READ 4331)

The major goal of the course is identifying and gaining an understanding about strategies and skills required to read successfully in various content areas. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

READ 5333 (3-3-0) Reading: Clinical Experiences in Correcting Reading Difficulties (S-L)

(READ 4333; SPED 4333/5333)

Directed experience in diagnosing and correcting reading problems of the individual child through field experience. This course contains a field-based service-learning componentThis 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring. 

READ 5334 (3-3-0) Studies in Diagnosing and Clinical Correction of Reading Difficulties (S-L)

(READ 4334; SPED 5334)

An intensive study of the scientific-based diagnostic and prescriptive techniques, utilizing best practices to identify specific strategies for enhancing the acquisition of reading skills. Directed field experience in diagnosing and correcting targeted reading issues will be required. This course contains a field-based service-learning componentThis 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring, Online.

READ 5335 (3-3-0) Pedagogy of Reading I (Phonics)

(READ 4335)

This course is designed to instruct teacher candidates in phonics, its essential tie to learning how to read, the elements of phonics, how to use phonics to teach reading, and its relationship to fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall and Spring.

READ 5336 (3-3-0) Pedagogy of Reading II (Comprehension)

(READ 4336)

This course is designed to instruct teacher candidates in the teaching of reading comprehension. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

READ 5337 (3-3-0) Pedagogy of Reading III (Literature and Visual Representation)

(READ 4337)

This course will survey children’s and young people’s literature as well as visual representations of reading material in various media. The teacher candidate will be required to read and create a database of literature for his/her level of certification. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

READ 5338 (3-3-0) Pedagogy of Language Arts

(READ 4338)

In this course, the teacher candidate will learn strategies for teaching the grammatical and structural elements of Language Arts as well as the writing elements. In addition, the teacher candidate will learn how to assess writing assignments in alignment with state standards and state assessments. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and includes specific graduate course requirements which reflect appropriate deeper learning experiences and rigor in the higher-level course.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

READ 6301 (3-3-0) Specialized Reading Assessment and Instruction

This course has a field-based component and is designed to upgrade teacher's skills in using formal and informal reading assessment to plan and deliver instruction to meet individual student needs including second language learners and those with reading disabilities.

Requisites: READ 6330 or recent experience in the teaching of reading.

Offered:  Fall, Summer Online.

READ 6325 (3-3-0) Phonics and Word Analysis

The Phonics and Word Analysis course examines language processes, including phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding skills, letters and sound relationships, vocabulary, and spelling. The course further investigates current word analysis strategies to clarify word meaning and differentiate multiple meanings of words strengthening literacy development.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

READ 6326 (3-3-0) Understanding Diverse and Struggling Learners in Reading

Understanding Diverse and Struggling Learners in Reading evaluates various theories, issues, and practices of literacy instruction in various academic settings for struggling EC-12 learners including diverse linguistic, cultural, economic, and academic backgrounds. Students will apply this knowledge to diversify reading instruction to meet the needs of individual learners and help inform the reading specialist as an instructional leader in meeting the needs of all students.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

READ 6330 (3-3-0) Foundations of Reading

This course addresses the major components of reading programs from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 by investigating oral language, phonology, and phonemic awareness, the alphabetic principle, work analysis, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and written language. The purpose of the course is to furnish educators with up-to-date, research-based knowledge, and strategies commensurate with state requirements for students and teachers.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring, Online.

READ 6335 (3-3-0) Curriculum and Instruction in Reading

An examination of the state's reading and language arts curriculum K-12, and the study of the practice of research-validated methods of delivering professional development in ways that assist teachers to accomplish instructional changes smoothly and effectively.

Requisites: READ 6330 or recent experience in the teaching of reading.

Offered:  Spring, Summer, Online.

READ 6337 (3-3-0) Literacy Leadership and Coaching

Literacy Leadership and Coaching course focuses on methods for mentoring, coaching, and collaborating with professional colleagues and parents. This class will utilize assessment, data, and research-based practices to provide the reading instructor with strategies for providing informed leadership.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.