Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (K-12 Concentration)

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (K-12 Concentration)

The purpose of the Dallas Baptist University EDD in Educational Leadership (K-12 concentration) Program is to provide Christ-centered, quality, research-based doctoral studies in the area of educational leadership to adult practitioner-learners in order to produce servant leaders who have the ability to integrate faith and learning for the purpose of school improvement.

The EDD in Educational Leadership (K-12) emphasizes a practical approach to leadership development that accentuates the servant-leadership model. This degree program is for individuals who intend to put their skills into practice through positions of leadership within K-12 educational institutions. DBU’s purpose is to provide a transforming Christ-centered quality education. Our desire is to produce servant-leaders who are trained to develop other leaders through the knowledge and skills gained in this doctoral program. The EDD in Educational Leadership (K-12) is a sixty (60) credit hour program consisting of the following:

Design of Program

The EDD in Educational Leadership (K-12) is a sixty (60) credit hour program consisting of the following:

  • 24 hours of core studies in educational leadership,

  • 6 hours of research studies,

  • 21 hours of cognate studies,

  • and a minimum of 9 hours treatise research and writing.

The program offers students the following benefits:

  • Rigorous yet practical design.

  • Classes each fall, spring, and summer term.

  • Coursework completion in approximately three years and graduation upon defense of their treatise for students who enroll and successfully complete six hours during each term.

  • An opportunity for students to begin writing their treatise proposal in the third year of study.

  • The option for students to take additional time to complete their treatise studies.

  • Enrichment from a body of students from diverse cultures, different higher educational institutions, and various school systems

  • An exciting and stimulating educational experience for everyone involved.

Cohort Structure

  • The cohort is structured in a six-hour per semester format. Each fall and spring, the classes meet on campus only three weekends a semester (a weekend is defined as all day Friday and all day Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). Projects, papers, and readings are assigned between these class meetings.

  • During the summer semester, the format converts to a symposium type format. The students will meet on campus for 7 to 9 days, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day. This summer schedule facilitates travel during the first and second years in the program. During the first year, the students travel to Austin, Texas, and in the second year, the students travel to Washington, D.C. No additional costs are incurred for this travel. The student pays the regular tuition for the six hours of instruction, and DBU pays the cost of the student's airfare, hotel, and two meals a day.


An exceptionally qualified faculty directs the EDD program, including a number of current or former K-12 educational leaders.

Other instructional resources available to students of the EDD program include the Vance Memorial Library, which offers a multitude of services and electronic databases. In addition, an array of instructional technology, featuring the Blackboard courseware management system, is available to students as directed by the instructor of each course.


Requisite:  Master’s Level Statistics I Course

(Completed prior to enrollment or during the first academic year)



Leadership and Education Core


EDDL 7300 - Foundations of Education
EDDL 7301 - A Study of Historical and Contemporary Leadership
EDDL 7303 - Organizational Behavior and Leadership
EDDL 7304 - Leadership and Management Theories
EDDL 7305 - Strategic Planning
EDDL 7338 - International Education Policy Studies
EDDL 7306 - Marketing and Public Relations
EDDL 7336 - Local and State Policy Studies (Austin Trip, including TASA Summer Conference)
EDDL 7337 - National Policy Studies (DC Trip)


Research Core


EDDL 7330 - Principles of Educational Research

EDDL 7333 - Quantitative and Qualitative Methods and Analysis


Educational Leadership (K-12) Cognate


EDDS 7315 - Budgeting and Finance Principles*

EDDS 7320 - Internship In K-12 Leadership (S-L)*

EDDS 7355 - Advanced School Law (K-12)*

EDDS 7364 - The Superintendency*

EDDS 7362 - Human Resource Management and Development*

EDDS 7373 - Supervision and Staff Development Training

EDDS 7378 - Curriculum Design and Administration

*Applies to Superintendent Certificate




EDDL 7335 - Treatise Research and Proposal Design

EDDL 7388 - Treatise I

EDDL 7389 - Treatise II



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