Master of Arts in Leadership/Master of Arts in Management

Master of Arts in Leadership/Master of Arts in Management


In an ever-globalizing environment, the leaders of tomorrow need both the hard skills of management and the soft skills of leadership. This dual degree program is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of management in specialized arenas (such as health care management, or human resource management) alongside a broad range of leadership skills (such as leading change, leadership communication, and leading in cross-cultural settings).


In order to pursue a Dual Master’s Degree program, the applicant must apply to, meet the existing admission requirements for, and be accepted into each of the master’s degrees which comprise the dual degree program.


(The courses listed below are requisites and may be satisfied through undergraduate credit.)

Courses listed in brackets are the undergraduate classes which may fulfill the foundational course requirements. These courses do not satisfy the 36-credit-hour requirement of the MA in Management program.

FINA 51.521 - Foundations of Finance [FINA 3301 Corporate Financial Management]

MANA 51.521 - Management Theory [MANA 3301 Principles of Management]

MANA 51.522 - Business Legal Environment [MANA 3308 Business and Public Law]

MANA 51.523 - Critical Thinking, Research, and Writing

MANA 6303 - Research and Statistics [MANA 3305 Management Statistics may be used if already taken. Otherwise, MANA 6303 must be taken.] (General and HR Concentrations only)

MSITM 51.525 - Programming Fundamentals (or equivalent)

MRKT 51.521 - Marketing Concepts [MRKT 3301 Principles of Marketing]

NOTE: The requisites above may be satisfied if the student has completed undergraduate courses that the MA in Management Program Director deems to be equivalent to the ones listed above. In order to satisfy this requirement, students must have attained a grade of B or above in the course(s).


Continuance in the program past the first 12 hours is pending submission of a satisfactory score on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®).

MA IN LEADERSHIP REQUIRED CURRICULUM - 30 hours (excluding requisites)



Required Curriculum


MAL 5301 - Introduction to Leadership

MAL 5302 - Vision-Casting and Leading Change  
MAL 5304 - Crisis Leadership

MAL 5308 - Great Leaders in History
MAL 5309 - Leadership Across Boundaries: Travel Study

MAL 6301 - Christian Worldview of Leadership
MAL 6303 - Leadership in Conflict and Adversity
MAL 6305 - Relational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
MAL 6306 - Cross-Cultural and Global Leadership
MAL 6307 - Mentored Leadership Internship (S-L)*


MA IN MANAGEMENT REQUIRED CURRICULUM - 30 hours (excluding requisites)



Required Curriculum


MANA 6310 -Leading Innovation

MANA 6320 - Business Ethics
MANA 6323 - Human Resource Strategy (S-L)*
MANA 6333 - Managing Operations Technologies

MANA 6358 - Business Negotiations and Conflict Resolution

MANA 6360 - Managerial Strategy and Implementation (S-L) (Capstone)
MANA 6370 - Innovative Leadership (S-L)

PROJ 6301 - Organizing the Project and Its Components

In addition, select two courses from the Graduate School of Business Curriculum with approval of the MAM Director.
Six (6) hours of the MA in Leadership Required Curriculum serve as electives for the MA in Management Required Curriculum.




30 hours

MA in Leadership Required Curriculum

30 hours

MA in Management Required Curriculum

60 hours

TOTAL Dual Degree (excluding requisites)

*(S-L)=Course(s) with field-based service-learning component.

Refer to individual course descriptions for course requisites.


Find course descriptions by category under the Graduate Course Descriptions section in the navigation panel.