MA Digital Media Arts

Why choose Herts?

  • Excellent Reputation: Ranked 1st as the best Creative Media & Entertainment School in the UK (13th worldwide - Rookies World School Rankings 2020).
  • Industry-Focused Content: Experiment and explore emerging digital technologies including AR, VR, and social and interactive media used in industry to develop innovative digital practices and media.
  • Work-Related Learning: There are work related learning opportunities on this course, all students complete a live external brief as part of their coursework.


About the course

This MA Digital Media Arts degree will enable you to... 

  • study one or more digital specialisms including video, kinetics, animation, sound, games, photography, social and interactive media 
  • choose to study parts of this course online or on campus (home students only)
  • experiment and explore emerging technologies and develop innovative and effective combinations of practices and media 
  • develop high-level skills in your chosen specialisms or areas of interest supported by expert tutors 
  • project-based work where the emphasis is on the creative, informed application of new technologies and devices to produce compelling user experiences 
  • produce a substantial self-initiated digital media project supported by excellent resources and expertise.