Master of Education in Educational Leadership

Master of Education in Educational Leadership

The Master of Education in Educational Leadership with Principal certification is a 30-hour non-thesis program. The program is composed of 27 hours of specialized preparation for TExES certification and 3 hours of AEL/T-TESS certification or an elective. If a student demonstrates sufficient proficiency, course substitutions may be approved by the Master of Education Program Director. Substitutions must meet State Board for Education Certification (SBEC) requirements. Students who meet additional state criteria will be qualified to sit for the state Principal TExES exam. Upon completion of the program, passage of the Principal TExES exam, and specific state regulations, the student will be qualified to apply for state Principal’s Certificate.


There are no additional requirements other than those required for admission to the graduate program at DBU.


The College of Education graduate program directors provide guidance and provides support in areas such as advising, registration, monitoring your program and to offer support in your spiritual, academic, and professional walk.

Although you have been admitted to the University, it is your responsibility to complete the criteria as outlined in the Notice of Requirements document in order to become officially accepted and admitted to the Dorothy M. Bush College of Education Educator Preparation Program (EPP). Prior to applying to the Educator Preparation Program, a degree plan must be selected by the candidate and a College of Education program director/advisor. The College of Education faculty and staff are dedicated in helping you achieve academic success and assist you in achieving your educational goals.

Graduate candidates wishing to officially enter the Educator Preparation Program should review and comply with the requirements by the end of their first semester. Considerations will be based on the following criteria:

·  Upon completion of the requirements, the Educator Preparation Program Admissions Committee will meet to determine continued eligibility and candidates will be notified of their decision.

·  The GRE or MAT may be waived if a candidate maintains an A- or better during the first 12 hours of the program. If you have already taken the GRE or MAT, please submit the official scores to the graduate office at

·  Grade Point Average of 3.0 and a minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average at the time of application to the program

·   Teacher Service Record submitted if applicable (Blackboard submission)

·   Completion of the admission interview with the Graduate EPP Committee.

·   DBU admission letter signed and submitted

·   Signed and submitted both FERPA forms. (Blackboard submission)

·  Signed and submitted the Educator Code of Ethics. (Blackboard submission)

·  Signed and submitted Notice of Requirements (Blackboard submission)

·   Signed and submitted TExES testing guidelines (Blackboard submission)

·  Acknowledgment of Graduate Handbook (blackboard submission)     

·  Upon receipt of a letter of admission to the Educator Preparation Program, candidate must provide a written response acknowledging the acceptance of admittance to the program.

Other Requirements

·   The 3.0 GPA criteria must be maintained to remain in the program.

·  Candidates admitted to the Graduate Educator Preparation Program are required to upload the documents listed above


Continuance in the program past the first 12 hours is pending submission of a satisfactory score on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®).

A waiver of the GRE or MAT requirement may be considered if the student meets one of the following conditions:

  • earns an “A-“ or higher in each of the first four courses (12 hours) of graduate coursework in the DBU College of Education, or

  • holds a Bachelor’s degree from the DBU College of Education earned within the past five years with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher, or

  • holds a Master’s degree from DBU.


Entrance requirements for graduate programs in the College of Education must be met, including having at least two years of credible teaching experience in an accredited K-12 public or private school by the time the candidate has completed the necessary coursework and is ready to take the appropriate certification examinations. A copy of the teacher candidate’s service record will be required to substantiate the teaching experience requirement prior to recommending the teacher candidate to register for the state certification examinations.

Master of Education Practicum

The practicum experience consists of two courses. The practicums are an extensive supervised experience at a field site comprising the final component of the comprehensive preparation program. It is designed to bring together all the experiences, skills, and knowledge gained through the coursework and experiences of the program. Candidates will be expected to attend a practicum orientation and fulfill all required practicum documents prior to approval of a designated site. Students must earn a 3.0 GPA  in order to progress to Practicum II/Internship.

 Offered Fall and Spring.

Principal Certification 




CERTIFICATION COURSES - Specialized Preparation for TExES 268 and PASL


EDAD 6303 - Internship in Educational Administration II

EDAD 6312 - School Law

EDAD 6314 - The Principalship

EDAD 6316 - School Personnel Administration

EDAD 6389 - Internship in Educational Administration (S-L)

EDUC 6302 - Research in Education (S-L)

EDUC 6318 - Leading for Learning

EDAD 6020 - Seminar in Educational Leadership




EDAD 6300 - Foundations of Instructional Leadership

EDUC 6306 - Curriculum Design and Evaluation (Requisite)

EDAD 6010 - Defense of Degree




EDAD 6302 - Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL)/T-TESS


Select from one of the courses below:

EDAD 6311 - Educational Organization and Administration

EDAD 6315 - School Finance/Business Management

EDAD 6319 - Christian School Education Administration

EDUC 6304 - Improvement of Instruction

EDUC 6308 - The School and Multicultural Society

EDUC 6310 - Foundations of Christian School Education

EDUC 6311 - Christian School Curriculum

EDUC 6312 - Technology Integration in Curriculum

EDUC 6316 - Digital Citizenship

EDUC 6319 - Multimedia for Learning

EDUC 6320 - Project-Based Learning

ESLS 5310 - Administration of ESL Programs

LTEC 6302 - Pedagogy in the Digital Age

LTEC 6303 - Technology Tools for Learning

SPED 5310 - Introduction to Exceptional Learners

SPED 6320 - Current Trends in Special Education


Total Credit Hours Required


Note: The State Principal Certificate qualifies an individual for the Principalship in grades Pre-Kindergarten through Twelve and for almost all positions in the central administration office except the Superintendency. The certificate requires the completion of a master’s program, two years of successful teaching experience in an accredited public or private school, and the passing of the Principal TExES exam.


Because of Dallas Baptist University’s quest for meaningful assessment of graduate candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs. The defense of degree is a capstone collection of signature assessments and artifacts with reflections that demonstrate a candidate’s personal growth, development, and acquisition of knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

A web-based format will be utilized by the candidate to enhance the presentation and to justify why the degree should be awarded to the candidate. The candidate’s formal defense will be presented to members of the Defense of Degree Committee and will take place on the main campus each semester.

Candidates must register for the Defense of Degree course as prescribed in their degree plan during the semester in which they will present their defense of degree. Practicing teachers, administrators, consultants, superintendents, guidance directors, personnel directors, and Educational Region Service Center personnel, as well as DBU professors and administrators, volunteer their time for this highly selective process.

Non-Certification Degree Track in Educational Leadership

The Master of Education in Educational Leadership Non-Certification degree is a 30-hour non-thesis program. The program is composed of 21 core hours and 9 hours of specialized preparation electives. This degree is available only to students who are not seeking Texas State School Principal Certification. A completed non-certification agreement form is required for participating students.

The following are the courses in the non-certification track:





EDAD 6300 - Foundations of Instructional Leadership

EDAD 6312 - School Law

EDAD 6314 - The Principalship

EDAD 6316 - School Personnel Administration

EDUC 6302 - Research in Education (S-L)

EDUC 6306 - Curriculum Design and Evaluation

EDUC 6318 - Leading for Learning

EDAD 6010 - Defense of Degree




Select three courses from the following:

EDAD 6303 - Internship in Educational Administration II (Spring)

EDAD 6315 - School Finance/Business Management

EDAD 6319 - Christian School Education Administration

EDAD 6389 - Internship in Educational Administration (Fall)

EDUC 6303 - Emerging Technologies

EDUC 6304 - Improvement of Instruction

EDUC 6308 - The School and Multicultural Society

EDUC 6310 - Foundations of Christian School Education

EDUC 6311 - Christian School Curriculum

EDUC 6312 - Technology Integration in Curriculum

EDUC 6313 - Assessment to Improve Learning: Formative Assessments and Continuous Improvement

EDUC 6316 - Digital Citizenship

EDUC 6319 - Multimedia for Learning

EDUC 6320 - Project-Based Learning

ESLS 5310 - Administration of ESL Programs

LTEC 6302 - Pedagogy in the Digital Age

LTEC 6303 - Technology Tools for Learning

MRKT 6301 - Advanced Marketing Strategies (S-L)

SPED 5310 - Introduction to Exceptional Learners

SPED 6320 - Current Trends in Special Education


(S-L)=Course(s) with field-based service-learning component.

Refer to individual course descriptions for course requisites.


Find course descriptions by category under the Graduate Course Descriptions section in the navigation panel.