Advanced Certificate in Educational Diagnostician

Advanced Certificate in Educational Diagnostician

(18 hours – excluding requisites)

The Special Education Diagnostician’s Certification program leads to Texas diagnostician’s certification. The program includes criteria established by the State Board for Educator Certification.

In order for a student to be recommended by the university certification officer to be eligible to take the state diagnostician’s certification examination, students must successfully complete the required coursework for the certification program and pass the departmental practice examination at the prescribed level of proficiency. Students must also provide a service record documenting three years of teaching experience in an approved and accredited school and be currently certified in a content area. All coursework leading to the certificate must be taken at Dallas Baptist University. In areas where the student demonstrates sufficient proficiency, course substitutions may be approved by the Master of Education Program Advisor and must be in keeping with the requirements of the State Board for Educator Certification.

REQUIRED COURSES (excluding requisites)


SPED 5310 - Introduction to Exceptional Learners

SPED 5330 - Pedagogy of Special Education*

SPED 5350 - Teaching Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities

SPED 6020 - Educational Diagnostician Seminar

SPED 6330 - Comprehensive Assessments*

SPED 6340 - Individual Diagnostic Practicum I (80 hours) (S-L)*

SPED 6350 - Individual Diagnostic Practicum II (80 hours) (S-L)*

Successful completion of the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®) is a requirement for admission to this certificate program.


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