Advanced Certificate in English as a Second Language (ESL)

Advanced Certificate in English as a Second Language (ESL)

(15 hours – excluding requisites)

The ESL certificate program is designed with several options available to the student.

Texas certified teachers can fulfill requirements leading to ESL Supplemental Certification.

For degree-seeking students, the ESL courses can be applied to concentrations or disciplines in the following degrees:

The ESL courses provide academic and professional training for students seeking the certificate for the sole purpose of teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language on the mission field - at home or abroad.

REQUIRED COURSES (excluding requisites)


ESLS 5301 - Second Language Acquisition

ESLS 5304 - Methods in Teaching ESL*

ESLS 5306 - Content Area Language Proficiency Skills*

ESLS 5308 - Multicultural and Multilingual Learning Environments*

Choose one:

ESLS 5312 - Practicum for State Certification (S-L)*

ESLS 5314 - Practicum in ESL/EFL Settings (S-L) (Students not seeking Texas ESL Supplemental Certification may take this course instead of ESLS 5312).

*Courses required for Texas ESL Supplemental Certification.

In addition, the student may complete the following course, which is optional, for a total of 18 graduate hours in the discipline:

ESLS 5310 - Administration of ESL Programs

In order to demonstrate minimal proficiency in English language usage required for teaching ESL, international students must provide a TOEFL exam score of 213 (computer-based), 550 (paper-based), or a 79 (internet-based), in order to do the ESL concentration or to receive the Advanced Certificate in ESL.

(S-L)= This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Refer to individual course descriptions for course requisites.


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