Masters by Research Creative Arts

A University of Hertfordshire Masters research degree is an internationally recognised degree signifying achievement in research. Whereas an MA/MSc is a taught, modular programme, a Masters by Research is a programme of research and skills development negotiated with your supervisors and based on your own research proposal.


The Masters by Research degree may be undertaken in full-time (1 year) or part-time (2 year) modes in any Creative Arts discipline that the School engages with and for which we have appropriately qualified supervisory staff.  In the School of Creative Arts, we have a wide range of expertise in historical and theoretical research, as well as in practice-led/practice-based research, relating to fine and applied arts, film, media and TV studies, interior and architectural design, music and the music industry.


During the period of study for the Masters by Research degree, you will develop a greater depth of subject expertise and independent research skills. You will undertake a focused research project for the duration of the degree, under the supervision and guidance of two or more academic members of staff who will be your supervisors. In addition, you will engage with a negotiated programme of selected generic skills development and careers workshops provided by the University of Hertfordshire Doctoral College.


Your Masters by Research project may be purely theoretical or contain elements of your own practice.  If there is a practice element, one of your supervisors would be a practitioner in the focal discipline, and appropriate studio space and/or workshop facilities would be made available if necessary. The School has a wide range of outstanding facilities for researchers in the broad area of creative arts, and the University library has an excellent range of relevant and up-to-date resources to support research in this area.


During the course of the degree, you would typically be given opportunities present your research at seminars and conferences, and to exhibit your practical work if it is part of the research project.  Some opportunities in this regard may be provided by the School or the University.