MSc Molecular Biotechnology

Why choose Herts?

Teaching Excellence: You will be taught by expert lecturers and researchers who have extensive experience in academic, pharmaceutical, industrial, and biotechnology sectors (see key staff).

Industry Connections: We have strong relationships with GSK and Astra Zeneca for you to benefit from work placements and innovative guest lectures delivered by leading researchers in the biotechnology industry.

Work-Related Learning: You will have the opportunity to secure your own biotech work placement when you opt for the Sandwich pathway.


About the course

Intended for graduates of the biological and biosciences, this course will provide you with specialist knowledge of molecular biology and biotechnology. This exciting and fast-moving area of bioscience is having an enormous impact on biotechnology. Analysis and manipulation of genes and genomes have provided the foundation for the development of new diagnostic methods, biological drugs and improved enzymes and proteins. New vaccines, synthetic antibodies and improved crops have also benefitted from advances in molecular biotechnology.