MSc Business Psychology

Why choose Herts?

  • Industry Accreditation: Accredited by the Association of Business Psychologists.
  • Teaching Excellence: You will be taught by industrial-experienced experts. Our tutors were awarded a Teaching Quality rating of ‘Excellent’ in our subject review.
  • Industry Connections: Benefit from our strong connections with the National Health Service and enjoy networking opportunities.


About the course

If you’re looking to develop skills and knowledge so you can apply psychological principles within organisations, this programme could be for you. This course is one pathway within the Industrial and Work Psychology programme. The MSc Business Psychology is accredited by the Association for Business Psychology. This pathway is suited to you even if you do not have a background in psychology.


Across the programme, there is a focus on evidence-based practice and developing reflexivity as practitioners. You'll be equipped for a variety of careers including human resource practitioners, learning and development, or careers in consultancy and business psychology.


There are a range of modules common to both pathways, including Psychological Assessment at Work, Learning Training and Development, Culture Change and Leadership, Well-Being, Engagement and Motivation, Consulting Skills, and Mixed Methods Research. The MSc Business Psychology pathway includes an introduction to historical and conceptual issues within psychology and adds a focus on the application of psychology to human resource management.


Staff who teach you include permanent academic staff who have industrial experience, those who undertake regular consultancy work, and external psychologists. Teaching and learning methods include lectures, workshops, seminars, tutorials and practical sessions. Full-time, you are expected to be on campus for 2-3 days each week in semesters A and B. Note, there are further study expectations beyond these times too, so the course is intense. There is an emphasis on putting theory into practice.


The recent ABP accreditation commended the course for its “strong focus on application and research into practice” and highlighted the applied psychology research project and consulting skills modules as particular opportunities to do that.