MSc Computer Science with Data Analytics (Online)

Explore a world where data meets destiny with UH Online's MSc in Data Analytics

Take the reins of data-driven decision-making and revolutionise the tech world with UH Online's MSc Computer Science with Data Analytics. Whether you're a budding data enthusiast or a seasoned professional looking to refine your analytical skills, this online programme is your pathway to becoming a data virtuoso.


Programme highlights

This comprehensive programme offers a perfect blend of computer science fundamentals and specialised data analytics modules. Dive deep into the world of data science, exploring mathematical foundations, data analysis techniques, and advanced algorithms. From understanding data structures and algorithms to applying data analysis methods, this programme equips you with the skills demanded in the data-driven job market.


Career-boosting modules

In this programme, you'll engage in modules like "Principles of Data Science," where you'll gain a systematic understanding of key issues in data science. "Enterprise Databases" will unravel the intricacies of relational databases, design, and management, all crucial for modern data professionals. "Data Structure and Algorithms 2" further enhances your proficiency in solving practical programming problems.