Why study the DBA Doctor of Business Administration at Middlesex University?

The DBA develops critical reflective practice skills, by developing advanced research skills applicable in leading-edge areas of business, and by providing the opportunity to develop a rigorous doctoral research project focussed on your role as industry leader and change-maker.


Our DBA is designed for active senior managers and executives in any organisation - public, private, third sector or consultancies who want to gain new insights and perspectives into organisational and industry leadership and management based on critical exploration of their own evolving professional practice. A key role is played by the capstone research project, which enables you to bring about evidence-based changes and to introduce new perspectives to your professional practice, or to your organisation or sector.


Course highlights

  • It is the professional equivalent of the academic PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), but designed specifically to support participants in undertaking practice-based research into their organisation and industry. While the knowledge gained from this research is equally rigorous to the PhD, it is distinctive in that the participant is placed at the centre of their research investigation, and their findings tend to be highly applicable within their organisation, sector and within their community of professional practice.

  • The DBA focuses on developing participants' individual capabilities as reflective practitioners, and through this enhancing their capability for undertaking high-level, practice-based research within their own workplace.

  • Participants' study projects are tailored to meet their individual needs and interests, and those of their organisations and sectors.

  • The final output of the DBA can be a thesis, which reports on the research undertaken, or an artefact (for instance, a product or a service, a training course, or an app), accompanied by a critical commentary that explains the doctoral-level research behind it.