Minor in Great Texts

Minor in Great Texts

Program Faculty Contact: Dr. Philip Mitchell (214-333-5226)


The Great Texts minor is designed for students who are interested in studying the classics of the Western tradition with an emphasis on the perennial questions and concerns that have shaped human reflection. The 21-hour interdisciplinary course of study will cultivate an understanding of how persons, values, philosophies, theologies, and cultural practices have shaped and permeated the Western world within a global context, including that of Christianity, and will help prepare students to speak, write, and reason more effectively for a variety of careers and graduate degrees.




Choose 21 hours from the following courses:

HNRS 2301 - Great Texts of the Greco-Roman World

HNRS 2302 - Great Texts of the Ancient Christian World

HNRS 3301 - Great Texts of the Medieval World

HNRS 3302 - Great Texts of the Renaissance/Reformation

HNRS 3303 - Great Texts of the Early Modern World

HNRS 3313 - Great Texts of the Age of Revolutions

HNRS 3304 - Great Texts of the Twentieth-Century

HNRS 4303 - Special Topics in Great Texts

Acceptance into DBU's Honors Program is not required for pursuing this minor. Students seeking to pursue the Minor in Great Texts should apply for Honors Program Director approval through their academic advisor.

NOTE: Great Texts courses fulfill the General Studies requirement for ENGL 2301, ENGL 2302, HIST 1301, or HIST 1302.

Minimum GPA Required for Graduation from Dallas Baptist University: DBU requires a minimum institutional cumulative, major, and minor GPA of 2.0.

Refer to individual course descriptions for course requisites.


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