Health Sciences (BS)

Health Sciences (BS)

The degree in Health Sciences is offered by the Department of Kinesiology through the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The purpose of the Health Sciences Program is to serve as a degree that is focused on pre-professional preparation for entrance into graduate programs in the areas of physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, and chiropractic. This program, specifically through an identified area of concentration, will help students recognize and meet specific entrance requirements for health-related degree programs at the masters or doctoral level.




Developing A Christian Mind
DCM 2301 - Developing a Christian Mind




ENGL 1301 - Composition and Rhetoric I

ENGL 1302 - Composition and Rhetoric II


ENGL 2301 - World Literature I


ENGL 2302 - World Literature II


Fine Arts
FINE 1306 - Introduction to Fine Arts


Foundations for Excellence


FOUN 1101 - Foundations for Excellence

is required of all first-year and transfer students with fewer than 15 credit hours. (AP, CLEP, IB, or dual/concurrent credit earned while in high school does not count toward these 15 credit hours.)




Choose two:

HIST 1301 - U.S. History to 1865

HIST 1302 - U.S. History Since 1865

HIST 2301 - World Civilization I

HIST 2302 - World Civilization II




KNES 1101 - Fitness for Living

and one additional activity course (KNES 1102-1127); for veterans or those 25 years of age or older prior to enrollment at DBU, KNES courses are waived.




MATH 1303 - College Algebra


MATH 1405 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I


Natural Science (1000 or 2000 level courses only)


BIOL 1405 - Modern Concepts in Biology I
BIOL 2405 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2406 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
CHEM 1401 - General Chemistry I




RELI 1301 - Old Testament Survey

RELI 1302 - New Testament Survey


three additional credit hours depending on credit hours transferred at time of initial enrollment


Social Science (1000 or 2000 level courses only)


POLS 2301 - American National Government

PSYC 1301 - General Psychology




Health Sciences Major

Core Courses


KNES 2301 - Introduction to Health Sciences and Kinesiology

BIOL 2302 - Medical Terminology for Health Professions

KNES 3302 - Research, Statistics, and Technology in Health and Human Performance

KNES 3326 - Motor Learning and Skill Development

KNES 4301 - Exercise Physiology

KNES 4303 - Applied Biomechanics

KNES 4336 - Internship in Kinesiology and Health Sciences I (S-L)

PSYC 4316 - Human Growth and Development   


Select one of the four areas of concentration: 


Pre-Physical Therapy


The Pre-Physical Therapy concentration requires the student to complete the health sciences major core courses, plus the following concentration and elective courses to satisfy the pre-requisite requirements for entry into a professional physical therapy program.

BIOL 1406 - Foundations of Biology II

CHEM 1402 - General Chemistry II

PHYS 1401 - General Physics I

PHYS 1402 - General Physics II

MATH 2301 - Elementary Probability and Statistics

KNES 3303 - Anatomical Kinesiology and Orthopedic Injury

KNES 4304 - Performance Nutrition


BIOL Upper-Level Electives (2)

**Choose two of the following upper-level Biology courses:

BIOL 3403 - Vertebrate Embryology

BIOL 3404 - Genetics (S-L)

BIOL 3406 - Pathophysiology

BIOL 3409 - Microbiology

BIOL 4403 - Histology


**Choose 2 of the following courses as Upper-Level degree supporting electives:

KNES 4306 - Exercise for Special Populations

KNES 4307 - Exercise Testing and Prescription

KNES/PSYC 4308 - Psychology of Sport, Exercise, and Human Performance

KNES 4312 - Periodization

KNES 4320 - Essentials of Athletic Performance

KNES 4337 - Internship in Kinesiology and Health Sciences II

PSYC 4303 - Social Psychology

PSYC 4305 - Psychology of Abnormal Behavior

BIOL 4307 - Bioethics (May Mini Only)

**Please refer to entry requirements for your prospective Physical Therapy program for guidance selecting your upper-level Biology electives. Please discuss with advisor prior to enrolling in these classes to confirm your choice(s). 


Pre-Occupational Therapy


The Pre-Occupational Therapy concentration requires the student to complete the health sciences major core courses, plus the following concentration and elective courses to satisfy the pre-requisite requirements for entry into a professional occupational therapy program.

COMA 1302 - Speech and Interpersonal Communication

PHYS 1401 - General Physics I

MATH 2301 - Elementary Probability and Statistics

PSYC 4305 - Psychology of Abnormal Behavior

**Choose 4 of the following courses as degree-supporting electives:

BIOL 4307 - Bioethics (May Mini Only)

KNES 3303 - Anatomical Kinesiology and Orthopedic Injury

KNES 3345 - Pedagogy of Kinesiology

KNES 4306 - Exercise for Special Populations

KNES 4307 - Exercise Testing and Prescription

KNES/PSYC 4308 - Psychology of Sport, Exercise, and Human Performance

KNES 4337 - Internship in Kinesiology and Health Sciences II

PSYC 3306 - Study of Aging

PSYC 3332 - Development of Infants, Children, and Adolescents

PSYC 4303 - Social Psychology

PSYC 4324 - Psychology of Learning

**Please refer to entry requirements for your prospective professional Occupational Therapy program for guidance selecting your upper-level degree supporting electives. Please discuss with advisor prior to enrolling in these classes to confirm your choice(s). 




The Pre-Chiropractic concentration requires the student to complete the health sciences major core courses, plus the following concentration and elective courses to satisfy the pre-requisite requirements for entry into a Doctor of Chiropractic program.

COMA 1302 - Speech and Interpersonal Communication

CHEM 1402 - General Chemistry II

KNES 3303 - Anatomical Kinesiology and Orthopedic Injury

**Choose 4 of the following courses as degree-supporting electives:

CHEM 3402 - Organic Chemistry

CHEM 3403 - Organic Chemistry II

CHEM 3401 - Biochemistry

KNES 3345 - Pedagogy of Kinesiology

KNES 4306 - Exercise for Special Populations

KNES 4307 - Exercise Testing and Prescription

KNES/PSYC 4308 - Psychology of Sport, Exercise, and Human Performance

KNES 4337 - Internship in Kinesiology and Health Sciences II

PSYC 3306 - Study of Aging

PSYC 3332 - Development of Infants, Children, and Adolescents

PSYC 4303 - Social Psychology

PSYC 4324 - Psychology of Learning

**Please refer to entry requirements for your prospective Doctor of Chiropractic program for guidance selecting your upper-level degree supporting electives. Please discuss with advisor prior to enrolling in these classes to confirm your choice(s).


Pre-Athletic Training


The Pre-Athletic Training concentration requires the student to complete the health sciences major core courses, plus the following concentration and elective courses to satisfy the pre-requisite requirements for entry into a graduate Athletic Training Program.

PHYS 1401 - General Physics I

PHYS 1402 - General Physics II

CHEM 1402 - General Chemistry II

MATH 2301 - Elementary Probability and Statistics

KNES 3303 - Anatomical Kinesiology and Orthopedic Injury

KNES 4304 - Performance Nutrition

KNES 4307 - Exercise Testing and Prescription

**Choose 2 of the following courses as degree-supporting electives:

KNES 4306 - Exercise for Special Populations

KNES/PSYC 4308 - Psychology of Sport, Exercise, and Human Performance

KNES 4312 - Periodization

KNES 4320 - Essentials of Athletic Performance

KNES 4337 - Internship in Kinesiology and Health Sciences II

**Please refer to entry requirements for your prospective Master of Athletic Training program for guidance selecting your upper-level degree supporting electives. Please discuss with advisor prior to enrolling in these classes to confirm your choice(s).




Pre-Physical Therapy Concentration:



Lower or Upper-Level



Pre-Occupational Therapy Concentration:



Lower or Upper-Level



Pre-Chiropractic Concentration:



Lower or Upper-Level



Pre-Athletic Training Concentration:



Lower or Upper-Level





Pre-Physical Therapy Concentration

Pre-Occupational Therapy Concentration

Pre-Chiropractic Concentration

Pre-Athletic Training Concentration





NOTE: Degree plan subject to adjustment as state policy changes.

A 120-credit-hour minimum for a bachelor’s degree is required, including 42 upper-level credit hours.

At least 12 credit hours in the major program must be completed at Dallas Baptist University, including nine upper-level course hours.

Minimum GPA Required for Graduation from Dallas Baptist University: DBU requires a minimum institutional cumulative, major, and minor GPA of 2.0.

(S-L) = Course(s) with field-based service-learning component.

Refer to individual course descriptions for course requisites.


Find course descriptions by category under the Undergraduate Course Descriptions section in the navigation panel.