Why choose Veterinary Nursing (Top-up) BSc Honours at Middlesex?

We offer flexible study options ( full and part-time) and you will learn via online distance learning, to study around your work or other commitments, and visit one of our three campuses for attended sessions and exams.


Our students rate this course highly as shown by our excellent results in the National Student Survey, 2023:

  • Top 5 university in the UK (THE Young Universities 2023)

  • 5th in London for overall student positivity (National Student Survey 2023)

  • Top 7 for research in the UK (THE Young Universities 2022)


What will you gain?

You'll develop analytical and problem-solving skills and learn how to be a reflective practitioner. You'll gain a variety of transferable skills which will enhance your veterinary career and continue your personal and professional development. By choosing elective modules, you'll be able to study subjects and topics that interest you. You'll achieve the C-SQP status when you graduate from the course.


We have 145 years of experience delivering professional, creative and technical education that prepares students – like you – for success in global careers.