Bachelor's Degree in Psychology

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2023 applications are now open!

No application fee

Contact us to learn more about the application process, financial aid, or any of our career-focused programs. Fall 2023 Early Action Deadline! Domestic freshmen submit your completed application by November 15 to receive an admissions decision by the holidays and priority consideration for scholarships — UB is test optional!

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Want to learn more about UB before you apply?

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Apply to University of Bridgeport before our Early Action Deadline on November 15 and receive priority consideration for a merit scholarship. Merit scholarship awards are based on a 4.0 cumulative GPA scale. If your high school uses a different GPA scale, Admissions will convert this to a 4.0 during the application review process.

Here’s a snapshot at what you could be awarded:

  • Trustee Scholarship - $25,000
  • Presidential Scholarship - $20,000
  • Provost Scholarship - $17,500
  • Dean Scholarship - $15,000

There’s no better time to submit your UB application than now — we are test optional and it’s free to apply! Take the next step toward becoming a Purple Knight and submit your application today!

BS in Psychology Courses

Major Requirements

The major requires thirteen psychology courses (39 semester hours), including:

Course   Credits
PSYC 103 Introduction to Psychology 3
PSYC 205 Lifestyle Developmental Psychology 3
PSYC 230 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSYC 240 Social Psychology 3
PSYC 303 Personality Psychology 3
PSYC 307 Cognitive Psychology 3
PSYC 321 Research Methods 3
PSYC 385 Statistical Methods in Psychology 3
  Psychology Electives 15

General Education Requirements

(University Core Requirements)

Course   Credits
FYS 101 First Year Seminar 3
ENGL 101 Academic Writing 3
MATH Math Core + Math 103p 4
HUM Humanities Core 6
SS Social Science Core 6
NS Natural Science Core 6
FA Fine Arts Core 3
CAPS 390 Capstone Seminar 3
  Liberal Arts Electives 9

Many students take their 38 credits of free electives to also double major (or minor) in another area such as human services, health sciences, English, or biology, while still graduating in the same amount of time as a traditional Psychology major!

Elective Psychology Courses

Course   Credits
PSYC 202 Adolescence 3
PSYC 203 Maturity and Aging 3
PSYC 309 Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3
PSYC 310 Human Sexuality 3
PSYC 314 Educational Psychology 3
PSYC 316 Current Topics in Psychology 3
PSYC 333 Exceptional Child 3
PSYC 345 Health Psychology 3
PSYC 346 Animal Behavior 3
PSYC 348 Psychology of Women 3
PSYC 355 Sports Psychology 3
PSYC 370 Forensic Psychology 3
PSYC 375 Psychology of Stigma 3
PSYC 380 Biological Psychology 3
PSYC 381 Drug Effects and Behavior 3
PSYC 390 Psychology Research Practicum 2-4
PSYC 395 Senior Thesis in Psychology 3
PSYC 398 Careers in Psychology (Internship) 3-6
PSYC 399 Individual Study in Psychology 1-6

Minor in Psychology

Many students from majors outside of Psychology still choose to pursue a minor from the Psychology Department. To do so, students must take PSYC 103 (and receive a grade of C or higher) plus five additional 3 credit Psychology courses of their choosing (18 credits total). We allow the majority of the courses to be of your choosing within Psychology to allow a student to customize the minor to best fit their desired career path.

Behavioral Science Division

Recommended Program of Study

Semester 1

ENGL 101 Academic Writing 3
HU/SS/FA Gen. Ed. Requirement 3
FYS 101 First Year Seminar 3
PSYC 103 Introduction to Psychology 3
  Free Elective 2-3

Semester 2

PSYC 201 Child Psychology 3
PSYC Psychology Elective 3
MATH Math Core + Math 103p 4
HS/SS/FA Gen. Ed. Requirement 3
  Free Elective 2-3

Semester 3

PSYC 230 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSYC 385 Statistical Methods in Psychology 3
HU/SS/FA Gen. Ed. Requirement 3
  Free Electives 6

Semester 4

PSYC 240 Social Psychology 3
PSYC 321 Research Methods 3
HU/SS/FA Gen. Ed. Requirement 3
SCI Natural Science Core 3
  Free Elective 3

Semester 5

PSYC 303 Personality Psychology 3
PYSC Psychology Elective 6
SCI Natural Science Core 3
  Free Elective 3

Semester 6

PSYC 307 Cognitive Psychology 3
HU/SS/FA Gen. Ed. Requirement 3
  Free Electives 9

Semester 7

CAPS 390 Capstone Seminar 3
PSYC Psychology Elective 6
  Free Electives 6

Semester 8

  Free Electives 15

Total: 120 credits