Hospitality Management, AAS


Course List
Code Title Credits
Major-Related Courses  
HP-101 Introduction to the Hospitality & Tourism Industry 3
HP-102 Lodging Operations Management 3
HP-111 Restaurant Operations Management 3
HP-116 Beverage Management 3
HP-215 Customer Relationship Management in the Hospitality Industry 3
HP-225 Dining Room Management 3
HP-290 Hospitality Internship I 3
AC-161 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
Major Area Electives 6
Major-Related Courses Subtotal 30
General Education and Related Courses  
EN-111 College Writing and Critical Analysis 3
EN-121 Analytical Thinking, Writing & Research 3
EN-206 Professional Writing and Presentation 3
IT-115 Electronic Spreadsheet Applications 3
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication 3
MA-115 Quantitative Reasoning 3
MG-105 Personal Financial Management 3
Liberal Arts Electives 6
Open Elective 3
General Education and Related Courses Subtotal 30
Total Credits 60


Recommended Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
HP-101 Introduction to the Hospitality & Tourism Industry 3
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication 3
EN-111 College Writing and Critical Analysis 3
MG-105 Personal Financial Management 3
LA-ELE Liberal Arts Elective 3
  Credits 15
HP-102 Lodging Operations Management 3
HP-111 Restaurant Operations Management 3
EN-121 Analytical Thinking, Writing & Research 3
MA-115 Quantitative Reasoning 3
LA-ELE Liberal Arts Elective 3
  Credits 15
HP-116 Beverage Management 3
HP-215 Customer Relationship Management in the Hospitality Industry 3
EN-206 Professional Writing and Presentation 3
AC-161 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
IT-115 Electronic Spreadsheet Applications 3
  Credits 15
HP-225 Dining Room Management 3
HP-ELE Hospitality Management Elective 1 3
HP-ELE Hospitality Management Elective 1 3
HP-290 Hospitality Internship I 3
Open Elective 1 3
  Credits 15
  Total Credits 60