Executive Leadership in Hospitality Management, MS


Course List
Code Title Credits
Required Core Courses  
HP-610 Economics of Tourism 3
HP-650 Hospitality Management Information Systems 3
HP-701 Qualitative Research Applications for Hospitality 3
HP-702 Global Tourism in Emerging Markets 3
HP-703 Contemporary Problems and Issues In Hospitality I 3
HP-704 Tourism Marketing and Branding 3
HP-705 Strategic Management and Leadership In Hospitality 3
HP-706 Hospitality Human Resource Management 3
HP-710 Contemporary Problems and Issues In Hospitality II 3
MG-620 Research and Statistics for Managerial Decison Making 3
HP-ELE Hospitality Management Elective 3
HP-601 Professional Portfolio Seminar I 1
HP-602 Professional Portfolio Seminar II 1
HP-603 Professional Portfolio Seminar III 1
Required Core Courses Subtotal 36
Total Credits 36