Paralegal Certificate Program


Course List
Code Title Credits
Major-Related Courses  
BL-201 Business Law I 3
CJ-200 Criminal Law 3
CJ-201 Family Law 3
CJ-205 Criminal Procedure and Process 3
CJ-270 Fundamentals of Criminal Trial Practice 3
LS-101 Introduction to Paralegal Studies 3
LS-201 Legal Research and Writing 3
LS-225 Estates, Wills, and Trusts 3
LS-250 Personal Injury Law 3
LS-300 Law Practice Management 3
LS-320 Real Property Law 3
LS-330 Immigration Law 3
Total Credits 36


Recommended Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
LS-101 Introduction to Paralegal Studies 3
CJ-200 Criminal Law 3
BL-201 Business Law I 3
LS-201 Legal Research and Writing 3
  Credits 12
CJ-205 Criminal Procedure and Process 3
LS-300 Law Practice Management 3
LS-225 Estates, Wills, and Trusts 3
LS-250 Personal Injury Law 3
  Credits 12
CJ-201 Family Law 3
CJ-270 Fundamentals of Criminal Trial Practice 3
LS-320 Real Property Law 3
LS-330 Immigration Law 3
  Credits 12
  Total Credits 36