Human Services, BS


Course List
Code Title Credits
Major-Related Courses  
HS-101 Introduction to Human Services 3
HS-121 Principles of Interviewing and Report Writing 3
HS-201 Ethical Issues in Human Services 3
HS-250 Practicum in Human Services I 4
HS-255 Practicum in Human Services II 4
HS-320 Cultural Competence in the Human Services 3
HS-440 Administration and Social Welfare Policy For Human Service Professionals 3
HS-450 Field Experience I 4
HS-455 Field Experience II 4
HS-460 Research Seminar in Human Services 3
HS-480 Human Services Capstone 3
IT-115 Electronic Spreadsheet Applications 3
Major Area Electives (LA-213 strongly recommended) 12
Open Electives 12
Major-Related Courses Subtotal 64
General Education and Related Courses  
LA-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
LA-102 Introduction to Sociology 3
LA-103 Introduction to Political Science 3
or LA-160 Introduction to Civics and Political Engagement
LA-108 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior 3
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication 3
LA-205 Professional Communication 3
LA-209 Contemporary Social Issues 3
LA-212 Drugs and Behavior 3
LA-245 Introduction to Counseling Theory 3
LA-247 Crisis Intervention 3
LA-255 Psychology Across the Lifespan 3
LA-345 Group Dynamics 3
English Credits 12
Math Credits (MA-135 or MA-235 required) 6
Liberal Arts Electives (LA-305 strongly recommended) 6
General Education and Related Courses Subtotal 60
Total Credits 124

Recommended Sequence 

Plan of Study Grid
HS-101 Introduction to Human Services 3
EN-111 College Writing and Critical Analysis 3
LA-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
IT-115 Electronic Spreadsheet Applications 3
LA-102 Introduction to Sociology 3
  Credits 15
LA-108 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior 3
EN-121 Analytical Thinking, Writing & Research 3
HS-121 Principles of Interviewing and Report Writing 3
HS-201 Ethical Issues in Human Services 3
MA-115 Quantitative Reasoning 3
  Credits 15
LA-209 Contemporary Social Issues 3

or LA-160

Introduction to Political Science

or Introduction to Civics and Political Engagement

HS-250 Practicum in Human Services I 4
LA-245 Introduction to Counseling Theory 3
LA-255 Psychology Across the Lifespan 3
  Credits 16
HS-255 Practicum in Human Services II 4
EN-206 Professional Writing and Presentation 3
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication 3
Open Electives 1 6
  Credits 16
LA-247 Crisis Intervention 3
HS-320 Cultural Competence in the Human Services 3
LA-305 Introduction to Case Management (Strongly Recommended) 3
LA-205 Professional Communication 3
HS-ELE Human Services Elective 3
  Credits 15
HS-440 Administration and Social Welfare Policy For Human Service Professionals 3

or CJ-305

Drugs and Behavior

or Drugs in America

LA-345 Group Dynamics 3
HS-ELE Human Services Elective 3
English Electives 3
  Credits 15
HS-450 Field Experience I 4
HS-460 Research Seminar in Human Services 3
HS-ELE Human Services Elective 6
Open Elective 1 3
  Credits 16
HS-455 Field Experience II 4
HS-480 Human Services Capstone 3
LA-ELE Liberal Arts Elective 3
Open Electives 1 6
  Credits 16
  Total Credits 124