General Business, BBA


Course List
Code Title Credits
Major-Related Courses  
MG-105 Personal Financial Management 3
or MG-112 Business Ethics
Select one of the following: 3


Introduction to Business  


Marketing Foundations  


Principles of Management  
Other Business Courses 9
Specialization ( from AC, FA, HA, HP, IT, MG, MK) 18
Major-Related Courses 21
Major-Related Courses Subtotal 54
General Education and Related Courses  
EC-201 Macroeconomics 3
EC-203 Microeconomics 3
LA-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
LA-102 Introduction to Sociology 3
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication 3
or LA-205 Professional Communication
Math Credits 6
English Credits 9
IT-ELE IT Elective 3
Liberal Arts Electives 12
Open Electives 21
General Education and Related Courses Subtotal 66
Total Credits 120


The BBA General Business is an extremely flexible and customizable degree. Students work with their advisor to plan the sequence of courses that best fits their individual needs and area of specialization.