Accounting, AAS


Course List
Code Title Credits
Major-Related Courses  
AC-161 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
AC-163 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3
AC-205 Intermediate Accounting I 3
AC-211 Accounting Software Solutions- Small Business 3
AC-231 Federal Income Tax Law I - Personal Tax 3
AC-305 Intermediate Accounting II 3
BL-201 Business Law I 3
MG-101 Introduction to Business 3
MG-201 Principles of Management 3
MK-101 Marketing Foundations 3
Major-Related Courses Subtotal 30
General Education and Related Courses  
EC-201 Macroeconomics 3
EC-203 Microeconomics 3
FA-302 Principles of Finance 3
EN-111 College Writing and Critical Analysis 3
EN-121 Analytical Thinking, Writing & Research 3
IT-115 Electronic Spreadsheet Applications 3
IT-118 Integrated Business Applications 3
LA-103 Introduction to Political Science 3
or LA-160 Introduction to Civics and Political Engagement
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication 3
MA-115 Quantitative Reasoning (or higher per placement) 3
General Education and Related Courses Subtotal 30
Total Credits



Recommended Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
AC-161 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
EC-201 Macroeconomics 3
MA-ELE Math Elective (per placement) 3
IT-118 Integrated Business Applications 3
EN-111 College Writing and Critical Analysis 3
  Credits 15
AC-211 Accounting Software Solutions- Small Business 3
EC-203 Microeconomics 3
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication 3
IT-115 Electronic Spreadsheet Applications 3
EN-121 Analytical Thinking, Writing & Research 3
  Credits 15
AC-205 Intermediate Accounting I 3
AC-163 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3

or LA-160

Introduction to Political Science

or Introduction to Civics and Political Engagement

BL-201 Business Law I 3
MG-101 Introduction to Business 3
  Credits 15
MG-201 Principles of Management 3
FA-302 Principles of Finance 3
AC-305 Intermediate Accounting II 3
AC-231 Federal Income Tax Law I - Personal Tax 3
MK-101 Marketing Foundations 3
  Credits 15
  Total Credits 60