Surgical Technology, AAS


Course List
Code Title Credits
Major-Related Courses  
HC-126 Medical Terminology 3
HC-208 Pathophysiology 3
ST-101 Introduction to Surgical Technology 3
ST-151 Orientation to Perioperative Services 4
ST-154 Surgical Procedures I 5
ST-155 Surgical Procedures II 5
ST-186 Surgical Procedures III 3
ST-201 Surgical Technology Practicum I 4
ST-211 Surgical Technology Practicum II 4
ST-220 Pharmacology and Anesthesia 3
Major-Related Courses Subtotal 37
General Education and Related Courses  
EN-111 College Writing and Critical Analysis 3
EN-121 Analytical Thinking, Writing & Research 3
LA-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication 3
MA-115 Quantitative Reasoning 3
SC-114 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
SC-114L Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab 1
SC-116 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
SC-116L Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab 1
SC-118 Principles of Microbiology 3
SC-118L Principles of Microbiology Lab 1
GN-ELE General Education Open Elective(s) 3
General Education and Related Courses Subtotal 30
Total Credits



Recommended Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
HC-126 Medical Terminology 3
SC-114 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
SC-114L Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab 1
ST-151 Orientation to Perioperative Services 4
ST-101 Introduction to Surgical Technology 3
MA-115 Quantitative Reasoning 3
  Credits 17
SC-116 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
SC-116L Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab 1
HC-208 Pathophysiology 3
SC-118 Principles of Microbiology 3
SC-118L Principles of Microbiology Lab 1
ST-154 Surgical Procedures I 5
  Credits 16
ST-155 Surgical Procedures II 5
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication 3
ST-201 Surgical Technology Practicum I 4
ST-220 Pharmacology and Anesthesia 3
EN-111 College Writing and Critical Analysis 3
  Credits 18
LA-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
ST-186 Surgical Procedures III 3
ST-211 Surgical Technology Practicum II 4
EN-121 Analytical Thinking, Writing & Research 3
GN-ELE General Education Open Elective(s) 3
  Credits 16
  Total Credits 67