Diagnostic Medical Sonography, AAS


Course List
Code Title Credits
Major-Related Courses  
DS-101 Introduction to Patient Care and Sonography 2
DS-160 Vascular Imaging I 3
DS-161 Vascular Imaging II 3
DS-170 Abdominal Sonography I 3
DS-171 Abdominal Sonography II 3
DS-180 OB/GYN Sonography I 3
DS-181 OB/GYN Sonography II 3
DS-190 Echocardiography I 3
DS-191 Echocardiography II 3
DS-240 Clinical Internship I 2
DS-241 Clinical Internship II 3
DS-242 Clinical Internship III 3
SC-104 Introduction to Physics 3
SC-114 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
SC-114L Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab 1
SC-116 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
SC-116L Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab 1
SC-145 Ultrasound Physics 3
HC-126 Medical Terminology 3
HC-208 Pathophysiology 3
Major-Related Courses Subtotal 54
General Education and Related Courses  
EN-111 College Writing and Critical Analysis 3
MA-115 Quantitative Reasoning 3
LA-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication 3
General Education and Related Courses Subtotal 12
Total Credits 66

Academic Requirements

  • A grade of “C” or better is required in the following courses for progression in the major: DS-101 Introduction to Patient Care and Sonography, DS-160 Vascular Imaging I, DS-161 Vascular Imaging II, DS-170 Abdominal Sonography I, DS-171 Abdominal Sonography II, DS-180 OB/GYN Sonography I, DS-181 OB/GYN Sonography II, DS-190 Echocardiography I, DS-191 Echocardiography II, DS-240 Clinical Internship I, DS-241 Clinical Internship II, DS-242 Clinical Internship III, HC-126 Medical Terminology, HC-208 Pathophysiology, MA-115 Quantitative Reasoning, SC-104 Introduction to Physics SC-114 Human Anatomy and Physiology I, SC-114L Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab, SC-116 Human Anatomy and Physiology II, SC-116L Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab, and SC-145 Ultrasound Physics
  • The Clinical Internships (DS-240 Clinical Internship I, DS-241 Clinical Internship II, and DS-242 Clinical Internship III), which are required, are available only during the day Monday through Friday.

On This Page

Recommended Sequence: Daytime 

Plan of Study Grid
DS-101 Introduction to Patient Care and Sonography 2
HC-126 Medical Terminology 3
SC-104 Introduction to Physics 3
SC-114 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
SC-114L Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab 1
MA-115 Quantitative Reasoning (Must be taken in semester 1) 3
  Credits 15
SC-116 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
SC-116L Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab 1
SC-145 Ultrasound Physics 3
DS-170 Abdominal Sonography I 3
DS-180 OB/GYN Sonography I 3
EN-111 College Writing and Critical Analysis 3
  Credits 16
DS-171 Abdominal Sonography II 3
DS-181 OB/GYN Sonography II 3
DS-240 Clinical Internship I 2
DS-160 Vascular Imaging I 3
HC-208 Pathophysiology 3
  Credits 14
DS-241 Clinical Internship II 3
DS-161 Vascular Imaging II 3
DS-190 Echocardiography I 3
LA-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication 3
  Credits 15
DS-191 Echocardiography II 3
DS-242 Clinical Internship III 3
  Credits 6
  Total Credits 66

Recommended Sequence: Evening

Plan of Study Grid
DS-101 Introduction to Patient Care and Sonography 2
HC-126 Medical Terminology (Can be taken online) 3
SC-104 Introduction to Physics 3
SC-114 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
SC-114L Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab 1
MA-115 Quantitative Reasoning (Must be taken in semester 1) 3
  Credits 15
SC-116 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
SC-116L Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab 1
SC-145 Ultrasound Physics 3
DS-170 Abdominal Sonography I 3
EN-111 College Writing and Critical Analysis (Can be taken online) 3
  Credits 13
DS-171 Abdominal Sonography II 3
DS-180 OB/GYN Sonography I 3
HC-208 Pathophysiology (Can be taken online) 3
  Credits 9
DS-181 OB/GYN Sonography II 3
DS-160 Vascular Imaging I 3
DS-240 Clinical Internship I 2
LA-101 Introduction to Psychology (Can be taken online) 3
LA-122 Fundamentals of Communication (Can be taken online) 3
  Credits 14
DS-161 Vascular Imaging II 3
DS-190 Echocardiography I 3
DS-241 Clinical Internship II 3
  Credits 9
DS-191 Echocardiography II 3
DS-242 Clinical Internship III 3
  Credits 6
  Total Credits 66