Professional and Executive Coaching / Certificate

Professional and Executive Coaching / Certificate

This program is an Approved Coach Training Program (ACTP) through the International Coach Federation (ICF). This means that the certificate courses will meet all required coach training hours for students to become certified coaches through the ICF.  Lewis University does not grant this ICF certification, but the Lewis University program prepares students to be eligible to attain it.


This 18-hour Certificate program in Professional and Executive Coaching is an alternative to the complete Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership for students looking to build skills at coaching organizational leaders. This certificate does not require a thesis. Students who earn the Certificate in Professional and Executive Coaching will understand the core coaching competencies while applying coaching models and techniques. In additional to foundational leadership theories and principles, consideration will be given to ethical standards required within the coaching profession, how organizational culture can impact the development of a coaching practice, and research related to the field of professional and executive coaching.


Degree Offered: Post Baccalaureate Certificate
Total Credit Hours: 18




Program: PBC-COAC-2

Required Courses (18)

ORGL-50900 Leadership: Theories, Practices and Context


ORGL-51200 Assessing Leadership Skills


ORGL-54600 Introduction to Professional and Executive Coaching


ORGL-54700 Coaching Methodologies


ORGL-54800 Building A Coaching Practice


ORGL-54900 Coaching Assessments and Research


Some courses required for this certificate may be offered online only and may require synchronous learning.