Business Analytics / Bachelor of Science to Master of Science / BS to MS

usiness Analytics / Bachelor of Science to Master of Science / BS to MS

For admission requirements, please see Admission Policies.

The Lewis University BS Business Analytics to  MS Business Analytics  4+1 program allows qualified Business Analytics majors and minors to complete their graduate Business Analytics program in less time than would be possible without coordination.

Eligible students must complete an application to the BS Business Analytics to MS Business Analytics degree program, submitted to the office of Graduate Admissions and be approved by the program/department.  

Before Business Analytics majors and minors are permitted to apply and be formally accepted into the BS Business Analytics to MS Business Analytics degree program, they must have completed a minimum of  96 credit hours with a GPA of at least 3.00 for all undergraduate coursework, including any transfer credit, with no grade lower than a B- in all required Business Analytics and Business core courses   All graduate courses in the MS Business Analytics program, taken while enrolled as an undergraduate student, are not eligible to satisfy any and all College of Business undergraduate major credit hour requirements for degree program.

See Baccalaureate-to-Masters Degree Program Guidelines for additional information.