Personal Lending (Automotive Industry) Micro-Credential

Ensuring your industry is managed to a high standard and aiding consumers to make well-informed decisions has never been more critical. Upskilling your own, or your team’s competency to ensure best practice is an increasingly recognised way of adding value to your organisation. 


This programme is for people currently working in or aspiring to work in personal lending roles within the automotive industry. It is designed to enhance career opportunities by delivering qualifications that endorse current experience, build a body-of-knowledge, and prepare you for further study. 


The Personal Lending Skills (Automotive Industry) Micro-Credential will develop the knowledge and skills required for responsible lending in the automotive industry. Students will learn about the requirements of an agent working within industry frameworks, including the duty of disclosure, client care, and managing conflicts of interest.


How you will learn

This programme is an online course, where students can access lectures, readings and assignments anytime, anywhere, at their own pace. There is a facilitator available that guides you through the programme with a mix of directed and self-directed learning. Students will not be required to show up to a classroom in person. This programme is flexible, developed to cater to people in the workforce, and designed to fit around both work and life commitments.