Tuition Fee Payment


Once course enrolment is complete, the final step of your enrolment is paying your fees. It is important to have a trusted and safe method of doing your tuition fee payment which is also acceptable by the institution and meets the country’s Immigration policies.

While there is always an option for you to do electronic fund transfer from your banks, there are now heaps of providers with next-gen payments platform, proprietary global payments network, and vertical-specific software that remove geographic barriers to streamline the way education payments are made and received.

A smart choice can save you time and money on exchange rates and service charges whilst giving you peace of mind and doing these transaction form the comfort of your home!

EdVantage has partnered with leading Service providers to cover your Tuition fee payment needs…talk to us today to get the best deal on your tuition fee payment.

Do check with our friendly team at EdVantage EzyApply to provide with you further details


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