Christ College
Christ's College is an independent boarding and day school, established as part of the original Anglican foundation of Christchurch.
Core Christian virtues guide all that we do and how we act. Honesty, respect, justice and compassion create a caring and supportive environment at College, where boys feel comfortable to be themselves as they strive to reach their potential. Our mission is Each boy at his best.
Our campus is unique. It is a combination of heritage buildings alongside state-of-the-art modern learning spaces, with facilities at the cutting edge of technological excellence.
However, College’s greatest asset is its talented teaching and support staff, who work to enable boundless opportunities to emerge for the boys. These highly qualified and committed people are supported by forward-thinking governance and a dedicated team of professional administrators. Together, they ensure the school provides every opportunity for our boys to achieve at their best.
Boys with a wide range of abilities are welcome at College. There is consistent emphasis on ambition and achievement at all levels, which ensures our student outcomes are among the very best in New Zealand. We nurture the ambitions of some of the brightest scholars in the land while taking equal pleasure in the outstanding progress made by those who benefit from our learning support programmes. The boys respect each other’s commitment, whether within or outside the classroom. Our natural diversity is a key to our success.
As one of the leading independent boys’ schools in New Zealand, we get boys. We understand what makes them tick. We enjoy their energy, their humour, their ideas and their zest for life. We celebrate boys and we teach in ways that boys learn best.
College is renowned for the quality and strength of its academic, cultural, sport and co-curricular programmes, which are all designed to meet the needs of adolescent boys and prepare them for the future. Our commitment is to work with each boy, to inspire and encourage him to always aspire to reach his full potential.
One word to sum up the College experience is “opportunity”. There are so many opportunities to be had at College and so many ways in which a College education will enrich your son’s life.
Assessment and reporting
In Years 9–11, assessment is an everyday occurrence. All work in classes contributes to a teacher’s assessment of students’ strengths and areas for improvement. While there will be larger assessment projects or tests – including concluding Year 11 with an examination week to give students this life skill – it is important that boys realise all learning contributes to their outcomes. This helps establish a work ethic, enabling the mastery of skills and content for success in NCEA and tertiary education. Learning progression – a next-step approach to reporting – is the backbone of the Year 9 and Diploma curriculum. It defines what a student can do and where effort is required in order to advance. Clear data comes from learning progressions, enabling better tracking of student achievement than a more traditional grading scale. Ongoing and timely feedback – available to students and parents – is provided through our Learning Management System, Schoolbox. Feedback is then collated into a traditional report, available at the end of each term. In Years 12–13, assessment and reporting follows the NCEA grading framework – Not Achieved, Achieved, Merit, and Excellence. Students are given feedback and grades on all major assessments through Schoolbox, which is also available to parents. Across all year levels, Interim Progress Grades (IPGs) are published several times a term to give students and parents a quick snapshot of student effort, progress, and attitude.
College co-curricular options and opportunities
We want our boys to excel beyond the classroom by nurturing their potential and supporting their avenues of discovery to find new passions through a myriad of cultural, musical, sporting and communal opportunities. By immersing themselves in our extensive co-curricular activities, our students can naturally flourish – culturally, physically and socially. In tandem with our academic framework, we encourage inquiry and self-reliance through our co-curricular programme to help ensure each boy achieves his best at College and carries those traits into everyday life on leaving school. Whether a boy has a love of sport, a passion for drama, a joy found through music, a commitment to making the world a better place to live, a desire to debate or an eagerness for adventure, the College co-curricular programmes provides a path. Each activity also underpins our character strengths of bravery, hope, honesty, zest, creativity, curiosity, perseverance, love of learning, humour, teamwork, fairness, leadership, love, kindness, social intelligence, forgiveness, humility, prudence, self-regulation, spirituality, gratitude, appreciation of beauty and excellence, judgement and perspective.
New Zealand Curriculum
All courses at Christ’s College are based on the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC). We expose boys to all NZC learning areas and have selected key achievement objectives from the national curriculum document that guide our subject selection. As an independent school, Christ’s College takes the best of NZC and extends our teaching to include aspects that support our special character. Our primary qualification framework, NCEA, provides our students with every opportunity to access the best tertiary and other post-school pathways, both in New Zealand and internationally. Christ’s College is committed to developing NZC key competencies through all our programmes and across all year levels. The capacity to think critically and creatively, to deal effectively with diversity and change, to relate to others and be active global citizens are the enduring competencies of the Christ’s College Graduate. The Centre for Teaching Excellence & Research ensures curriculum alignment across all year groups (Years 9–13), and enables the consistent development of these competencies.
Our classrooms
At Christ’s College, a supported, safe space for learning is at the heart of classroom practice. Small class sizes enable teacher and student relationships to develop quickly and provide teachers with the capacity to invest in individual student assistance. We nurture the ambitions of the brightest scholars while taking equal pleasure in the outstanding progress of those boys who benefit from our Learning Centre. The boys respect each other’s commitment, whether within or outside the classroom.